I love to read about the diaries and writings from band members regarding tours, videos and albums. I know that the tour archive has most of this info from Fran, Dougie, Neil and Andy. But, what I'd really love, is to read it one consistent, compressed nice package - ie several pages. It would be like a psuedo/mini/unofficial book. I'd love to, but time is a bitch and think I'd go insane trying track down everything the band has written. But who knows, maybe somebody out there has already done this or could do this? Or maybe not...
Here's a crazy thing I did a few years ago when I had a lot of spare time. It's mostly my own writing, but I draw as much as possible from the band members themselves, so hopefully it's fairly accurate. At least Fran complimented me on it. I hope you can make use of it.
I once collected all those diary entries (just not the last 5 entries from Fran, I think)
But I'm not done with the the tour reviews from the band yet....but everythings from the band-section is there.
I'm thinking of completing it in the holiday time though (so maybe it's done til Jan.)