
FAO: lilly
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Tue 17 Nov, 2009 2:56 PM Quote
Molasses Cookies

1/2 cup vegetable shortening (Crisco). If you don't have this over there, I guess you could use butter.

1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups flour
1/2 cup molasses

Cream shortening and sugar, add egg, then dry ingredients. Stir well. Add molasses.
Roll dough into small balls a little bit larger than a walnut. (Anne control yourself.) Refrigerating the dough and running your hands under cold water helps keep the dough from sticking to your hands.
Bake 350ºF for 13-15 minutes.

DO NOT OVERBAKE!!!! Take them out before they look totally done. These cookies are supposed to be soft and chewy, not hard and crispy. Keep them in an airtight container so they don't get dried out.


1 teaspoon (US) = 5 Milliliters
1 U.S. cup = .236 liters, approx. 1/4 liter
1/2 U.S. cup = .118 liters
350ºF = 176ºC

Good luck!
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Tue 17 Nov, 2009 5:37 PM Quote
aaawww, thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!
It sounds super yummy, sigh, I'd love to bake them right now, but I won't have time until Thursday or Friday.

we do have sth similar to vegetable shortening here, I think. Plus, I'm going to a shop that sells American & British food (to get "your" kind of flour*), they'll probably have the right thing!

* what kind of flour do you use?
(ROFL @ the Anne-aside)
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Tue 17 Nov, 2009 6:28 PM Quote
I called my mom to ask her if the flour was different over there, but she wasn't home. I didn't know it was different.

I guess the most popular type of flour here is called Gold Medal brand all-purpose flour. (I usually buy unbleached flour because...who wants to eat bleach?) It looks like this. But any brand of all-purpose flour will do.
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Tue 17 Nov, 2009 6:33 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
I called my mom to ask her if the flour was different over there, but she wasn't home. I didn't know it was different.

I guess the most popular type of flour here is called Gold Medal brand all-purpose flour. (I usually buy unbleached flour because...who wants to eat bleach?) It looks like this. But any brand of all-purpose flour will do.

aaah, okay, great! I think American all-purpose flour is roughly like our "normal" flour. It's the self-rising types that cause troubles.
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Tue 17 Nov, 2009 6:45 PM Quote
Right, not the self-rising. Normal flour is what you want.
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Tue 17 Nov, 2009 7:40 PM Quote
Nice cookie recipe Kayte but I STILL don't know what molasses are. It makes me think of seafood (!!!!) but in cookies???
Pleeeeeease explain girls, since my boys and I are major cookie lovers and I'd love to have a go at making them.
PS sorry for crashing your thread but cookies are worth crashing anything :-)
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Tue 17 Nov, 2009 7:48 PM Quote
deebee wrote:
Nice cookie recipe Kayte but I STILL don't know what molasses are. It makes me think of seafood (!!!!) but in cookies???
Pleeeeeease explain girls, since my boys and I are major cookie lovers and I'd love to have a go at making them.
PS sorry for crashing your thread but cookies are worth crashing anything :-)

Kayte has to answer this one - all I can say is that I THINK it's similar to golden syrup.
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Tue 17 Nov, 2009 7:56 PM Quote
Thanks Lilly. My curiosity got the better of me and I had to Google it to see a picture. It looks possibly more like Black Treacle than Golden syrup. I can't get Black Treacle here but I can find Golden syrup but it probably won't be the same. Looks like a tin may have to come back from the UK in my suitcase, lol!
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Tue 17 Nov, 2009 8:35 PM Quote
I had to Wiki Golden Syrup, ha ha! I think treacle is closer to what molasses is. Here's some info I found:

Treacle: True treacle dates from Victorian times. A pale, refined molasses, it is notably sweeter and has a much more mellow flavor than molasses. Nowadays, treacle is a blend of molasses and refinery syrup. It ranges in color from light gold to nearly black. British treacle can be substituted for molasses in most recipes, but much less frequently will molasses work as a replacement for treacle. If you do substitute molasses for treacle, use the lightest, unsulphured molasses you can find.

There are 2 kinds of molasses, a regular "original" and a dark. I use the original for the cookies. Dark is just too strong.
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 18 Nov, 2009 7:04 AM Quote
Aaah thanks Kayte. I think maybe the original might be closer to golden syrup then because black treacle is VERY strong in taste and must be the equivalent to your stronger version. Happy baking :-)
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Wed 18 Nov, 2009 5:43 PM Quote
There's molasses in HP Sauce (yes the brown sauce British kind). I read that on the label once and was like cool, the only thing I know that has molasses in it.

Molasses always reminds me of the Deep South (I think it's because I read a book about this area and molasses was mentioned alot).
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 18 Nov, 2009 6:13 PM Quote
It's a good thing you put in the demand that I control myself because I started giggling as I was reading it.

I remembered that I haven't shared my bread recipes with you lily. The pumpkin bread one also features molasses.

Glad you got the flour thing figured out. I was so confused in our chat. I knew I had used German flour no problem.
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 18 Nov, 2009 6:22 PM Quote
Yes, molasses is definitely more of a southern thing in the US. I remember as a kid, my grandma used to mix molasses with softened butter for me to eat as a dessert. Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it!

There is also a molasses song my mother used to sing to me. I have no idea where she learned it. Would you like to hear it? Of course you would!

Molasses, molasses, that sticky, sticky goo
Molasses, molasses, it always sticks to you

There was a boy named Pete
Who dearly loved to eat
He'd eat and eat and eat and eat
'Til he couldn't stand on his feet
Oh, molasses, molasses, that sticky, sticky goo
Molasses, molasses, it always sticks to you

There was a boy named Jack
Who stepped upon a crack
He was so thin he went right in
And never did come back
Oh, molasses, molasses, that sticky, sticky goo
Molasses, molasses, it always sticks to you
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Wed 18 Nov, 2009 8:20 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
It's a good thing you put in the demand that I control myself because I started giggling as I was reading it.

I remembered that I haven't shared my bread recipes with you lily. The pumpkin bread one also features molasses.

Glad you got the flour thing figured out. I was so confused in our chat. I knew I had used German flour no problem.

Yes, the bread recipes, please! Let's make this a "recipes for lily"-thread :D

Kayte, the lyrics are great, but I'm sure it would be even better if you'd SING it for us, so we get the melody along with the lyrics :D
Re: FAO: lilly
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 20 Nov, 2009 6:52 PM Quote
Oh, Youtube, how I love thee! Here we go, Molasses, Molasses by Spike Jones and His City Slickers. Who knew there were so many verses??? Interestingly, neither of the verses my mother sang are on this record. I wonder if she made them up herself? But the tune is the same.
(FYI - same guy who did this did All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.)

Lilly, are the cookies in the oven yet?
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