
A bit of a THANKS to Fran and Andy!
Posts: 21
kdough20 Posted Sat 14 Nov, 2009 1:01 AM Quote
For those of us whom were lucky to attend one or more show(s) from this tour, I just want to say
"Thank You Very Much!” You guys made each show very personal. It didn’t seem like you were just going through the motions of another city, another gig. Nope, you two changed a few songs, stories, and even took requests from the crowd. Then, to top it off, you both stayed after the show to meet every fan that wanted to meet you! You two didn’t rush anyone, you signed whatever was put in front of you, and you guys posed for thousands of photographs.

This tour was truly a memorable one!!

Also, let us not forget to thank Nick and Giles for helping with the tour!!
Re: A bit of a THANKS to Fran and Andy!
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Sat 14 Nov, 2009 1:58 AM Quote
I was lucky enough to attend the show in San Francisco. So I also would like to say a huge thanks Fran, Andy, Nick, and Giles!
Re: A bit of a THANKS to Fran and Andy!
Posts: 3
velcrogrrl Posted Sat 14 Nov, 2009 6:33 PM Quote
absolutely! a big thank you to fran and andy for being awesome in every way on this tour! it was such a great experience.
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