
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Sat 19 Sep, 2009 8:22 PM Quote

Autumn is coming.....

how is everyone???
Re: Hello
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Sun 20 Sep, 2009 5:35 PM Quote
Very, very cold :-P

Although I must admit I love the autumn ^_^

How's everything with you?
Re: Hello
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Sun 20 Sep, 2009 5:43 PM Quote

I love the autumn as well :) Everything's looking pretty colourful :) it's not too cold but not hot either - so far it's great.

University started again - which is def. a stress factor. Already had a big fight with one of my profs. She's an evil woman. In fact, I came to believe she's the devil herself - but very good at hiding her horns and tail...

But it was great to see my old buddies again -after all it's been 3 months..

Hope everything goes smoothly from now on..

how's everyone else?
Re: Hello
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Sun 20 Sep, 2009 8:06 PM Quote

I'm excited for the fall and all the colors that will be arriving soon too. It's my favorite time of year! I'm also getting excited to see Fran and Andy play in LA in a few weeks. YAY! Will be a fun quick trip. Other than that...busy as usual.
Re: Hello
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Sun 20 Sep, 2009 10:08 PM Quote
I like October (it's my b-day month and everyone likes their birthday-month, right?), but I'm not a fan of late autumn weeks in Germany: dark, grey, rainy, depressing. The month of November should be abolished.
Re: Hello
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Mon 21 Sep, 2009 1:58 AM Quote
lilly wrote:
I like October (it's my b-day month and everyone likes their birthday-month, right?)

Yes, me too! I love autumn.
Re: Hello
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Mon 21 Sep, 2009 7:44 AM Quote
Nell wrote:

University started again - which is def. a stress factor. Already had a big fight with one of my profs. She's an evil woman. In fact, I came to believe she's the devil herself - but very good at hiding her horns and tail...

But it was great to see my old buddies again -after all it's been 3 months..

I started college again on Wednesday... I have a fellow student in two of my classes who sounds like your devil prof...

I know what you mean about seeing old friends too- I've been off college since the 1st of June!

Re: Hello
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Mon 21 Sep, 2009 8:49 PM Quote
moo_the_evil_boffin wrote:
Nell wrote:

University started again - which is def. a stress factor. Already had a big fight with one of my profs. She's an evil woman. In fact, I came to believe she's the devil herself - but very good at hiding her horns and tail...

But it was great to see my old buddies again -after all it's been 3 months..

I started college again on Wednesday... I have a fellow student in two of my classes who sounds like your devil prof...

I know what you mean about seeing old friends too- I've been off college since the 1st of June!


Haha yeah me too - although during June we invaded Starbucks and made it to our coffee-studying-area.
Was quite fun actually.

Aww I hate such people.
Now we've got 2 profs - one we actual call "the devil" although she's not that bad. But she looks like Meryl Streep and she acts like Miranda Priestly in "The Devil wears Prada". Seriously! I found her doppelgaenger! Well, that's why that's our new "Devil".

The other evil woman, I told you about, is called now: "poison dwarf".
She seriously should consider changing jobs since she obviously can't teach and get's annoyed by question.
And while she's on it - she might wanna go back to her mum to learn some manners...
evil, poison dwarf..


So my first week was very very stressful so far - and I wish back the time when I could sleep in and enjoy bathing in the sea or at walking through the streets of London...

Re: Hello
Posts: 101
MsFatRat Posted Mon 21 Sep, 2009 9:34 PM Quote
Hello :)

It’s so cold, and rainy. It’s always raining, always... I woke up one day and I saw out the window from my bedroom, and suddenly everything was yellow, and orange. All this colors that belong to the autumn, and I got really shocked. The summer past so quickly, it’s not fair.
Anyways I love autumn!
Have a NICE autumn everyone ;)

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