
everything they never wanted to know about T in 30s or less?
Posts: 73
gromit373 Posted Tue 21 Jul, 2009 1:56 AM Quote
so recently i was out with my good friend, who knows how obsessed i am with travis, and a few of her friends i'd just met, and i was wearing one of my fave travis shirts (well, they all are- this one was the yellow one for the invisible band)-- anyway, my friend and i started talking about travis, and then she asked her other friends, do you know travis? they gave us blank looks... i'm like, you know, the band, 4 guys, scottish, why does it always rain on me? sing? toured w/ oasis for a bit? still nothing, but then she asked me what they sound like, and i really can't describe them as anything other than.. they sound like travis. b/c their sound has changed so much but it's all still them, and i'm so unused to comparing them to other bands, i always just think of them as travis.

so, long story no longer, my question is-- how do your conversations usually go when you meet people who know nothing about travis? and/or when you meet people who are not as obsessed or just plain not fans? (e.g., i'll often hear people say, oh yeah, they used to be good, what happened?? i'm like dude-- they're still awesome!)
Re: everything they never wanted to know about T in 30s or l
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Tue 21 Jul, 2009 8:29 AM Quote

I tell them how their music/instruments/lyrics/voices sound...and what kind of music they do (pop,rock,british pop, jazz? find a draw to put them into :) - just to give an idae)

strong melodies, soft voices, big varity of the melodies - even in the song with each instrument - line ;) which i really like.
For instance: I love the bassline in "Sing" although I was never really fond of the melody that's sung. It's not just playing the tonics but has an own melody...brilliant.

Or the softness of the Gibson guitar wich is great for riffs...etc...or about the rock-opera of J.Smith...

But also real rock, indie-style - something to party with - something to pogo with! Like the first or the last album.

Well it depends on what my "friend" already knows about music in general or about bands ;) or styles... :)
Re: everything they never wanted to know about T in 30s or l
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Tue 21 Jul, 2009 11:02 AM Quote
I use to say that they've got two sides, one rocky side and one softer poppy/acoustic side and depending on what music the person likes I tell him/her more about one of the sides... For instance if the person listens to heavier music then I use to play J. Smith, Eyes Wide Open, Blue Flashing Light, The Line Is Fine etc. And if the person likes pop then I use to play WDIAROM, The Cage, 20, Sarah, Flowers In The Window, Driftwood, get the point ;)
Re: everything they never wanted to know about T in 30s or l
Posts: 73
gromit373 Posted Wed 22 Jul, 2009 12:39 PM Quote
true, it is easier when you can either play travis songs for them, or explain it to someone who understands music... but i guess i meant more like in an everyday conversation w/ people who maybe are casual music listeners, or pop fans only, or, well, who really don't care about travis all that much... it is rare for me to find someone who actually appreciates travis, or who ventures away from what itunes/pandora recommends for them..

anyway, i always find it hard to condense my obsession into an appealing ad especially w/o sounding crazy..... maybe that's just me :) possibly b/c i am crazy...
Re: everything they never wanted to know about T in 30s or l
Posts: 647
Ana_Smith Posted Wed 22 Jul, 2009 2:20 PM Quote
I have the same problem, I don't know why people who haven't discovered Travis first-hand have such a hard time getting into their music.

Most of my friends like a song or two but are not really fans, they would probably go to a concert if they came here just to be with me.
I think that my approach towards them was not the best course of action. You'll see, you have to plan your strategies carefully, haha. I sent an email with links to their videos and also mp3s, which was too much for them to handle. I wanted them to understand why I like their music so bad... Every now and then if I post something Travis related on FB, they might give it the thumbs up, but that's it...

Then, I did what Alex says, I started being selective.
I introduced a friend of mine who mainly likes heavy metal music to the rockier side of Travis. Recently he told me that if they come to Argentina he would buy the tickets himself to go with me, that he would love to listen to Turn, Blue Flashing Light and Peace the fuck out live... now I'm making him listen Ode and he's been completely open-minded. After I translated the lyrics for 20, even he fell in love with Fran's acoustic! He used to say that it was the perfect music to listen before going to bed, I prove him wrong :)

Well, what I mean is, nothing is impossible. You have to be patient and give them time. Little by little they'll come to understand your so called craziness and if you're lucky enough, perhaps even share it!
Re: everything they never wanted to know about T in 30s or l
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Wed 22 Jul, 2009 2:31 PM Quote
Most of my friends think they're too slow and radio-friendly, but that's probably because they mostly listen to heavier music.. It's kinda hard to prove to them that it's good music when they only wants to turn it off and put on some Iron Maiden or whatever.. :P
Re: everything they never wanted to know about T in 30s or l
Posts: 73
gromit373 Posted Sun 26 Jul, 2009 1:17 PM Quote
sigh so true guys... glad to know i'm not the only one w/ this problem :) but at least i have a couple people who will go to the fran & andy sessions w/ me!! yay, can't wait!
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