
question for stereophonics and feeder fans...
Posts: 41
Emmy Posted Mon 20 Jul, 2009 5:10 PM Quote
I buy all both these bands albums, and I'd pay tickets to see them live if one should come my way, but I don't have too much of their bsides and rare stuff or bootlegs.

I bought Stereophonics bsides from itunes, but I live in the US so the selection is limited. I don't have any Feeder stuff.

Can anybody share any of this stuff if they have any? Thanks in advance.
Re: question for stereophonics and feeder fans...
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 20 Jul, 2009 7:12 PM Quote
personally I think they are both one trick ponies but please feel free to pm me, I have "Performance and Cocktails", "Traffic" and "singles- best of Feeder". I'll pop them up on rapidshare.... oooopss sorry I know someone ;-) who'll pop em up there for you

Re: question for stereophonics and feeder fans...
Posts: 73
gromit373 Posted Wed 22 Jul, 2009 2:13 PM Quote
i have some stereophonics; you can pm/email me if you'd like, -- altho it'll take me a couple weeks maybe b/c they're on my computer which is currently w/ apple!
Re: question for stereophonics and feeder fans...
Posts: 758
ayana Posted Wed 22 Jul, 2009 2:28 PM Quote
Haven't got anything from Feeder but I've got pretty much all the Stereophonics bsides + some Tragic Love Company songs.
PM the list of the ones you want, I'll see what I can do :)
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