
Safe Side
Posts: 253
Safe Side Posted Mon 04 May, 2009 5:12 PM Quote
How Random

My Dad just phoned me all exited cause he was in the same cafe As Dougie,Kelly and Freddie, good to see the guys are having some family time off, im so jealous tho
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 3572
Rammsfer Posted Mon 04 May, 2009 6:20 PM Quote
Your dad is very lucky!
Re: DougieSpotting
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Mon 04 May, 2009 7:23 PM Quote
What would you do in that situation ? :)

Me would have a complete blank , smile like a smiley , stuck to the seat and act like a complete prune for the duration haha

Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 1181
alanistradi Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 1:03 AM Quote
Your dad is awesome
haha :)
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 231
wdiarom Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 1:16 AM Quote

your dad is Cool!!! ;DDD
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 2:13 AM Quote
Somewhere Else wrote:
What would you do in that situation ? :)

Me would have a complete blank , smile like a smiley , stuck to the seat and act like a complete prune for the duration haha

I would be that way too. Plus I would try and not get caught staring at them the whole time, lol.
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 522
singme0430 Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 4:27 AM Quote
Wowwww!! That's really awesome!!! :D
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 765
erikausagi Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 6:33 AM Quote
1. how lucky is your dad!!
2. i wish to be there -and surely you too!-
3. YOUR DAD RECOGNIZE DOUG!!?? you did a great job!!! (my mom only recognize Fran!)
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 6:42 AM Quote
erikausagi wrote:

3. YOUR DAD RECOGNIZE DOUG!!?? you did a great job!!! (my mom only recognize Fran!)

My parents don't even know who Travis are… I think they've heard of the Beatles :^P
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 4:22 PM Quote
Hahahaha. Same here, Mili! :p
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 39
seasonticket Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 5:12 PM Quote
I always feel guilty around celebrities, like, if I stare then am I ruining their day? Once I did a double-take at Ian Holm and he looked SO sad.
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 5:34 PM Quote
seasonticket wrote:
I always feel guilty around celebrities, like, if I stare then am I ruining their day? Once I did a double-take at Ian Holm and he looked SO sad.

I'm the same. I try not to stare, but sometimes it takes a few moments to truly recognice someone. Familiar face… friend? Former workmate? Where do I know him from… and then, OH, it's so-and-so, by which time I've been staring or looking "unnoticably" for a while.

I once went swmming and the former prime minister and then the speaker of the parliament (of Finland) was swimming in the next lane. It was hard to pretend I didn't know who he was. Also, I see one popular soap opera actress quite often, now I can just notice but not stare, as I'm used to her.

We sometimes see the current president walking near where we live (the residence is not far), and her husband goes jogging around the same time I go for my evening walk. He obviously doesn't think I'm dangerous.
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 3572
Rammsfer Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 5:35 PM Quote
Monica wrote:
Hahahaha. Same here, Mili! :p

Same here xD!
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 967
irenesfor Posted Tue 05 May, 2009 11:04 PM Quote
Yes, your Dad is soo lucky!!
erikausagi wrote:
1. how lucky is your dad!!
2. i wish to be there -and surely you too!-
3. YOUR DAD RECOGNIZE DOUG!!?? you did a great job!!! (my mom only recognize Fran!)

Hahaha, my mom always recognize Fran and Dougie, and the most of the times Andy and Neil, too :) My dad also recognize them more or less. My granny always says "Los Travis again!". I'd say that they're introduced in my family xD
Re: DougieSpotting
Posts: 1190
frandougeil Posted Wed 06 May, 2009 8:35 AM Quote
Somewhere Else wrote:
What would you do in that situation ? :)

Me would have a complete blank , smile like a smiley , stuck to the seat and act like a complete prune for the duration haha

I'd start staring like a smitten goon and finally realize bout 10 mins after that I've been intruding a family's peace of having a meal;)

BUT how cooL is that!Yeah my parents wouldn't even recognize them. Ur dad's a lucky and cool man!
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