
Second Life
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 10:17 PM Quote
does anyone who frequents this msgboard also frequent that "Second Life" place? i was reading up on these 3-D submersive environments and it's really quite scary, agree/disagree?

this is just another way to make people even MORE anti-social (in the real world) then ever. talk about cutting yourself off from reality, but then again if people are actually spending real money in this fictious environment and real things are going on in there (some schools even have lectures there) doesn't that make the place credible or not? it's kind of interesting to think about.

they've even got money you can spend, real money for stuff that's not "real" (i.e. doesn't exist outside "Second Life")

there's an interesting piece on YouTube about SL as they call it, however be warned the narrator's voice is beyond irritating.

Intro To SL

Re: Second Life
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 10:45 PM Quote
I had a go and lasted all of an hour before giving up totally bewildered.

Still don't know what most of it was all about

The 'making your own character' bit was the only fun part
Re: Second Life
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 10:51 PM Quote
Andrew wrote:
I had a go and lasted all of an hour before giving up totally bewildered.

Still don't know what most of it was all about

The 'making your own character' bit was the only fun part

it does seem waay complicated given that you are allowed to build some shit yourself but i think that requires some aptitude for programming and what not, i get enough of that crap in the real world (or "Meatspace" as SL users call the real world).

on the radio the other morning the Opie and Anthony Show had a funny bit about some naked guy avatar in Second Life that went around annoying folks with a rather LARGE appendage and a big sign that says "Free Hugs". you can actually see the results on YouTube - type in "Free Hugs Second Life", it's mature content so you'll have to login, it's funny enough but gets repititious after a bit.
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