
Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Posts: 523
damon Posted Wed 29 Apr, 2009 2:01 AM Quote
perhaps it'a senseless question,
But as i see from the tour archive pictures i can see most of the venues are way to small,

Fran when Travis become indepent with Red Telephone Box, is like loosing some kind of "selling tickets" hability?

i mean, smaller venues is favourable for warmer gigs, but playing live is reliable as used to be???

i hope you don't take it wrong, i'm just wondering how things work for well known musicians

it's just personal impression? or anyone else has tought about it?
Re: Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 29 Apr, 2009 2:08 PM Quote
I think the size of the venue depends on how many tickets can be sold. In some parts of the world, Travis can fill a large venue. In most of the USA, they can't. People just haven't heard of them.

In Cleveland, the House of Blues was selling tickets 2 for 1 for several weeks, and then was selling them in 4 packs the week before the show. There was a nice sized crowd, but I still don't think the place was filled.

I like the intimate settings.
Re: Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Lizzie b
Posts: 176
Lizzie b Posted Wed 29 Apr, 2009 3:18 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
I think the size of the venue depends on how many tickets can be sold. In some parts of the world, Travis can fill a large venue. In most of the USA, they can't. People just haven't heard of them.

You know, that's what I thought but then I saw them in Portsmouth, England and it was actually a pretty small place (like a hotel convention room). But then again, touring in England is like doing a tour in just a handful of states; the ratio of the number of gigs to the amount of ppl coming to each gig would make for smaller venues. I suppose Travis COULD have done fewer larger venues, but I think they like it small. As do I!
Re: Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Posts: 350
cornax Posted Wed 29 Apr, 2009 6:00 PM Quote
They looked to have filled the 9:30 Club in DC (capacity 1200) and I would HATE to see them in a bigger venue. Once a band outgrows the 9:30 I have to think long and hard about going to see them (Travis would, of course, be an exception).
Re: Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Posts: 9
bigjohnsonlax Posted Wed 29 Apr, 2009 6:28 PM Quote
its a good thing for Travis Fans for them playing in such small venues. you can be up close without paying over $300 for pit tickets.
Re: Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Posts: 647
Ana_Smith Posted Wed 29 Apr, 2009 6:48 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
I think the size of the venue depends on how many tickets can be sold. In some parts of the world, Travis can fill a large venue. In most of the USA, they can't. People just haven't heard of them.

It's such a pity...I think that if they ever do come back to South America *fingers crossed* the problem would be to fill a large venue, exactly because Travis is not that well-known or popular (though I think that most people -not fans- even if they've only listened to a couple of songs, would buy tickets to be present only because they don't play here that often and they know it's a good show nobody should miss, ultimately money well-spent)

Travis most likely would come as part of a festival or to play in a small venue (love this idea)...however, I'm not sure how much money is it in there for them...I mean, is it worthwhile to travel this far? Do they end up losing more money than that invested in coming?

Unanswered questions in my mind...don't know how the music business works but hopefully someone will bring them back :) (Large or small venue, I'll be there, waiting for...)
Re: Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Posts: 7
melanch0lic Posted Thu 30 Apr, 2009 12:27 AM Quote
I was very surprised that for this tour they had booked smaller venues to play versus their usual theaters/arenas. Personally I love small venues for the acoustics and intimacy that you experience with every show. I was thrilled that Travis had booked The Showbox for this tour and was even more surprised that the show didn't sell out. The last time they were at The Showbox was with Oasis in '00, and a friend of mine (Oasis fan) said that Travis totally won her over. But then again, it probably had to do with Liam looking at his watch during most of the performance (bad taste). Then about a year later I went to see them at the Key Arena, the show was good but IMHO, the atmosphere of small clubs fits better for Travis since they're already so personable.

I guess my comparable comparisons of small venue performances beating out the arena/amphitheater performances are Built to Spill and Death Cab for Cutie. Being from/near the Pacific Northwest these bands tend to be more interactive with the local audiences at small venues (esp. Death Cab) but they still can carry their own weight on the main stage at festivals. But having experienced both settings, I agree with Cornax in that there is some trepidation on my part to see "indie" bands (I'll use the term loosely) in arenas. Plus, I'm definitely not 6' tall!

I'm happy that Travis is now on their own label. Much of the bread and butter are from touring so I'm glad that Travis now have more control over the CD royalties and artistic direction.
Re: Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Posts: 130
Peter76 Posted Fri 01 May, 2009 2:01 AM Quote
It really depends on where Travis is playing. Aside from their huge following back home, they are also big in South America, Asia, and Mexico. So any time they play a gig there it's usually at a stadium, a convention hall, or at an outdoor stage. The venues at the US/Canada tour are much smaller in comparison but they still hold about 1000-1500 people each, so the fanfare is still there.
Re: Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Fri 01 May, 2009 5:52 AM Quote
I am very happy that they played smaller venues on this tour. I think it gives the fans a better chance of seeing them up-close and the setting is great for the way the band interacts with the crowd.
Re: Travis size gigs -fran help pls-
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Fri 01 May, 2009 4:51 PM Quote
Small venues are great. Travis are not a very popular band in Spain but tickets always sold out and I think that's good cause that means they will probably come back :)
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