So, I'm experiencing the post-live Travis performance blues after seeing 2 lovely shows in Minneapolis and Chicago!
First, I want to say a big thank you to Fran for listening to my friend and me ramble on when meeting him in Minneapolis about our car being towed during the show! You know how you work out in your head all the things you're going to say to the person you totally respect, who is the lead singer in your favorite band and it's all these great, meaningful, heartfelt things and then when you're in the moment it just doesn't quite work out that way! This was after the Minneapolis gig and the second Fran walked out of his bus to meet people, sign autographs, etc., that's when my friend (who drove us) came up to me and said my car was towed! So, as we approached Fran we were freaking out a little bit about that and figuring out what to do so that is what I spent my "quality" time with Fran talking about! Doh! Anyway, Fran was lovely as usual and we got photos with him and he signed my set list. So, it was great - just not how I had envisioned it going...! And we probably came off as a bit crazy!
And it's funny because I read how the crew's tourbus broke down one night and then on the way to Chicago the front window got broken by a bird! So, there's some weird transportation karma happening here! After our car was towed at the Minneapolis show - the next day I flew to their Chicago show. Anyway, the next day on the way to the airport our car ran out of gas on a busy exit ramp! However, the good karma came back when I was unexpectedly bumped up to first class for the trip back to Minneapolis!
So, all and all an adventurous Travis weekend and thank you to Fran and all of Travis for two wonderful shows. You never disappoint and I can't wait for the next tour!