
Diary/Journal keeping
Posts: 719
MusicGirl99 Posted Fri 17 Apr, 2009 12:57 AM Quote
Do you keep a journal or is it digital? Or both? I prefer writing by hand and scribbling over wrong words, although I don't write as often as I used to.
Re: Diary/Journal keeping
Posts: 959
fenchurch Posted Fri 17 Apr, 2009 1:14 AM Quote
I like developing my handwriting, so I have a notebook where I write random notes and things to remember. I'm not organised enough to keep a proper diary, I'd feel I'd have to write everything, and then I'd get so behind on my days, and would just give up.

I have a bit of a weakness for actual journals though, I think they look cool, so I'm always spending loads of my money on them, and half the time don't get around to using them for years. I bought quite a weird one today, the cover looks like this:

and the back's like this:

kinda morbid I know but I like it.
Re: Diary/Journal keeping
Posts: 80
velouria Posted Fri 17 Apr, 2009 3:25 AM Quote
That is seriously an awesome journal. I love buying journals for their covers too, I'm just a sucker for those. And also, I like to write just because when I finish a whole journal, I feel like I accomplished something. And it's just funny to see how I used to think also. However, I've been using my laptop for "writing" recently only because it's easier to erase when I realize what I wrote was stupid.
Re: Diary/Journal keeping
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Fri 17 Apr, 2009 11:06 PM Quote
I keep a jpurnal that I actually write in. The handwriting, to me, gives what you're writing more, you can feel more of the mood you were in by how the writing looks. If I didn't keep a journal, I would forget things and it makes it easier to voice things later on if it's been written prior.
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