
Does Fran take part in Brainstorm (LV) new album?
Posts: 11
Elina Posted Mon 13 Apr, 2009 4:38 PM Quote
I really like Latvian music band Brainstorm. I couldn`t believe my eyes when I read (in russian syte) that
Brainstorm new album has already left in several languages: Latvian and Russian and an English version will be completed by the end of year. [...] In Russian edition musicians will present a joint composition with hip- hop musician Casta, and English-speaking public with the duet of vocalist Brainstorm Renars Kaupers and Fran Healy, leader of collective Travis.

LINK in Russian.

Is it true? Can I wait for one beautiful song by Fran and Renars in Brainstorm Intrernational music album? I think it sounds better as it can happen...=)
Re: Does Fran take part in Brainstorm (LV) new album?
Posts: 719
MusicGirl99 Posted Tue 14 Apr, 2009 2:25 AM Quote
Sounds interesting. Never heard of Brainstorm, are they a new band?
Re: Does Fran take part in Brainstorm (LV) new album?
Posts: 47
Lin Posted Tue 14 Apr, 2009 5:45 PM Quote
Are you kidding?))
I love Brainstorm =)
It's my favorite band after Travis %)
As I know Fran and Renars are friends so I hope it is true)
It would be great))
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