
Terrorism returns to the North
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 08 Mar, 2009 10:17 PM Quote

The Real IRA shot and killed two soldiers and injured 4 others including two pizza delivery boys at a barracks in Antrim.

They followed the Pizza delivery to the barracks and then opened fire with fully automatic weapons.

I don't know how anyone else feels but I cannot see the politics behind this, these are the first British soldiers killed in a terrorist attack in the North in 12years. I had gotten the distinct impression that most of the people of the North had put this stuff behind them and were getting on with their lives in relative peace and harmony. I think this has fuck all to do with the "struggle" and more to do with thugs who just want to kill and maim, this is the same group who were responsible for the Omagh bombing.

btw I would be just as annoyed if this had been the UDF,UVF or whoever carrying out a similar attack.

This is 2009 surely these days there are better ways to get your point across ??

Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 186
barlickbabe Posted Sun 08 Mar, 2009 10:23 PM Quote
Iknow ,it's complete madness and what will it achieve? I just feel so sad for the families who have lost their loved ones. It's just insane. How do these people live with themselves? How do they sleep at night ? How can they feel pride at committing such an act? It sickens me to the core.It's a sad day.
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Sun 08 Mar, 2009 10:42 PM Quote
I heard about this in the radio and I couldn't believe my ears... I'm just shocked... after all these years...
Posts: 568
Aída Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 1:48 PM Quote
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 2:37 PM Quote
Just stupid violent thugs all around. I'm very sad and angry about the whole sorry business.

I heard that was supposed to be the last take away pizza for a while, as the soldiers were due to Afganistan in a few hours. They were probabaly more concerned about their safety in Afganistan than in N. Ireland.
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 4:35 PM Quote

Ok plz help me out here...I just heard about it on the news...

I thought all this was more or less over. Of course there are always some people disliking the decisions of their gov. but like this? I thought this was over...and just because they don't want to belong to Britain - they want to be independend? Am I correct?

I gotta I admit I don't really know anything about the history of Ireland. The south is independent...

How does the public feel about this - do they want to be independent? Has this anything to do with the econ. crisis?

Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 5:30 PM Quote
I tried explaining the history before a while back, bear in mind this is a very simplistic view of the history and there is tons more to it these days. Like the "Real IRA" are a splinter group who (very basically) think the IRA an Sinn Fein (the politcal wing) are a soft touch and have given in too much to the "British" side.

Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread

Hope that helps some, I don't actually know if it has anything to do directly with the current economic climate but people are restless in times like these, also the governments are concentrating on other stuff so what better time to attack, possibly ??

Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 5:33 PM Quote

ok I'm gonna read through all of this...

my folks say it's not just about independency but also still a fucking religious war - catholics (I) against british protestants? This is even more bizarr...i thought that was kinda over...
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 5:36 PM Quote
Nell wrote:

Ok plz help me out here...I just heard about it on the news...

I thought all this was more or less over. Of course there are always some people disliking the decisions of their gov. but like this? I thought this was over...and just because they don't want to belong to Britain - they want to be independend? Am I correct?

I gotta I admit I don't really know anything about the history of Ireland. The south is independent...

How does the public feel about this - do they want to be independent? Has this anything to do with the econ. crisis?


AFAIK it's nothing to do with the economy, unless the nutters have lost their jobs and were trying to find something else to do.
Simplified, traditionally the Catholics would like Northern Ireland to be joinded to the independent South and the Protestants want to keep it as part of UK. This has caused a lot of trouble and terrorism from both sides. Things have been calmer for some time now, but I've been told that kneecappings, bank robberies etc haven't stopped.
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 5:40 PM Quote
How nice that my stupidity is helping others. All things have a purpose.
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 959
fenchurch Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 5:44 PM Quote
And everything finally seemed to be going in the right direction. My History teacher was saying it probably is because they have no money, there's no other reason to start the violence again, now. I mean, it can't lead anywhere, it's just going backwards.
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 5:55 PM Quote

Again very basically the Unionist side (Brits) are mainly Protestant and the Republican side (Irish) are mainly Catholic,

It really was all quite a mess with some people using any excuse (Brit, Catholic, Irish, Protestant) to cause trouble it was basically mob mentality "Pick a side, join a gang, If you're not with us you must be against us".

I've also just heard the statement the Real IRA phoned into the Sunday Tribune, "We make no apologies for targeting British soldiers while they continued to occupy Ireland and also said he made no apologies for targeting the pizza delivery men who, he said, were collaborating with the British."

Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 5:59 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
Now nice that my stupidity is helping others. All things have a purpose.

It wasn't stupidity, it was just "not knowing" and if you don't ask...

Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 6:03 PM Quote is a big - very old - political question (which is not being discussed by either governments, I suppose?), and it actually has somethingt o do with religion and probably also with economy (yeah..I guess if NI would swim in money, they'd care much less about whether or not they belong ot either of those - states.

So...politic, money, religion.

Religion - well, there will always be a (ridiculous) fight about that...

Money: can't fix that - that fast - and they wouldn't admit these attacs have anything to do with it...

Politics: What does the NI government, what does the British government have to say to this. How did they react? What do the people of NI have to say about that matter? If they could vote - what would they vote for - being independend? Having ONE Ireland? Belonging to the UK?

Is it dangerous for tourists to travel do Dublin or NI generally? Is it dangerous for you guys there? (I mean it was for those pizza-guys...)

Dubz: thx for the thread - and the short sum up
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 6:14 PM Quote
Nell wrote:

Is it dangerous for tourists to travel do Dublin or NI generally? Is it dangerous for you guys there? (I mean it was for those pizza-guys...)

Absolutely not, I was very worried when I came over here 9 years ago about being seen as British even though I consider myself Scots. However I quickly realized that in Dublin no one gives a sh1t, Dublin is a hugely cosmopolitan city and as such is more concerned with itself and the Republic than anything else.

I haven't been in Belfast in about 15 years but have heard that it has become a "party" city, like Liverpool or Newcastle for weekends away. I have also heard that there is now a huge student population which also adds to the atmosphere.

This (so far) is an isolated incident and as such the feeling on all sides so far seems to be condemnation.

There are still "punishment beatings" being carried out but this is now Gangsterism and the people on the recieving end of these are by no means innocent (drug dealers, burgulars, etc.) I by no means agree with this surely it is for the law to deal with these people not the Gangsters who are worried about "Johnny Scumbag" attracting to much attention to the area from the Police.

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