
About This Love and USed to belong lyrics
Cinthya Olguín
Posts: 44
Cinthya Olguín Posted Tue 03 Mar, 2009 3:23 AM Quote
Hey everybody! I just recently consult the travisography page to read this two songs lyrics and I have some doubts, so I hope you could help me with that. First, in THIS LOVE, what does it really say: my heart's healing or my heart silly, 'cause I kind of hear the second. And in USED TO BELONG I hear: 'cause we used to belong used to believe in me, but in that page says it goes: used to be me and you... and because the voice of Fran is high in that part I can´t really understand what is he saying really...

Well, that's all... Help will be much aprecciated

See you around guys!!!

Re: About This Love and Just to belong lyrics
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Tue 03 Mar, 2009 4:20 AM Quote
LOL "My heart silly" is hilarious. It's "My heart's healing". :)

And it's Used To Belong for a start, not Just To Belong. ;) And it's "Used to be me and you". :)

Edit: In Used To Belong you said the high singing bit. I believe that bit is "believe" yes, but the "me and you" bit is a couple of lines earlier. :)
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