
Best concert ever
Posts: 1
Nevis Posted Tue 10 Feb, 2009 9:14 AM Quote
Yesterday was the best concert ever. It was so great........I love the band. Every time is´t fantastic to be on a Travisconcert! I enjoyed it very well,and whenever Fran speaks Scottisch, it`s so nice to listen to him. I love people who speaks scottish.
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 1
blauclaudi777 Posted Tue 10 Feb, 2009 10:44 AM Quote
I totally agree! It was my first Travis gig, but it won't be my last!! It was soo amazing and I loved the atmosphere!
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 356
silvella Posted Tue 10 Feb, 2009 4:21 PM Quote

Here is my (very personal) review:

It’s impossible to find the right words to express what a Travis concert means to me and surely all the other fans, too. This was my second Travis gig, and Tina and me have had the luck to be in the front row! That was incredibly intensive! The location was very small (and yes, Fran, very hot!!), and the presenters were happy because of the full house.
Leaving the car park, I stood right in front of the tour bus! The famous green “monster”… LOL And a little later, we met Dougie in front of it, and he was so kind to give us autographs and we made some photos.
And then it began… The Alexandria Quartet was a good support act, they played great songs, and then we were enjoying…

1. Chinese Blues (I agree: the perfect opening song!)
2. J. Smith
3. Re-Offender (goes perfect with the new tunes)
4. Writing To Reach You
5. Pipe Dreams (was so amazing!)
6. Something Anything (a powerful live song)
7. Long Way Down
8. Love Will Come Through (everybody swaying…)
9. Closer
10. Side (if it had been possible I would have fallen on my knees to thank you for this song)
11. Driftwood (where is my tissue??? I really didn’t think it would happen to fall in love with a song?!)
12. Falling Down (to Fran: Tina and me will never wash our hair again!! LOL)
13. Sing
14. Indefinitely (this was amazing!)
15. Song To Self
16. Village Man (oh, a good old friend!!)
17. Before You Were Young (the best live song ever!!! I vote for BYWY to be the next single!!)
18. Turn (all eyes on Dougie…)
19. Ring Out The Bell (…again! A dream came true! ;) )
20. Selfish Jean
21. Flowers In The Window (without microphones!!!)
22. Why Does It Always Rain On Me (Pogo! And … sniff… the last song!)

Dougie shook his hips, Fran sang really powerful, and at “Falling Down” he went into the crowd right between Tina and me! Neil maltreated his drums with passion, especially the drums on BYWY were kick-ass! And Andy caressed his guitar and made his Aerobic lessons like a young gymnast (what is your back bone from, Andy? Durex?).

Much too soon it was over!! And like on the CD booklets I do my Thankyou’s:

Thank you Dougie for being so patient with Tina and me with the photos. And for the “Who-is-looking-the-other-way-first-contest” between you and me – you beat me! LOL

Thank you Fran for taking us Fans seriously, e.g. by telling us that it was a hard gig for you because all of you couldn’t hear yourself on stage (and because of the heat…), and fulfilling our wishes even though it was 1.30 a.m.

Thank you Andy for giving my friend Tina the best call of her life!!! She said this morning that she is sorry for screaming so loud and she hopes that you didn’t get deaf…

Thank you Neil for changing your clothes behind the bus windows!!! No, they are NOT opaque!!! Please, please come out at the next gig!! There’s an ugly vacant space beside three signatures on my booklet that is crying out for his destiny!!

Thank you Claes for looking over at us freezing fans…

Thank you to the tour crew!! We were watching at your hard work while waiting for the stars. You do a hard but a great job, and for me you are stars, too!

Last but not least: Thank you Tina!!!! You know what for!!


I'll put it on the Tour Archive as soon as I'll find time for the photos. And
at hr3 you can find amazing pics of the gig and a short german review (scroll down to the yellow "Travis" box and click at one of the pics to open the gallery).
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Tue 10 Feb, 2009 5:43 PM Quote
Nice read. Sounds like a great concert. :)
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 4
Sorcha Posted Tue 10 Feb, 2009 6:17 PM Quote
Perfect concert, really enjoyed it

Does anyone Know how many people were there?
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 356
silvella Posted Tue 10 Feb, 2009 6:54 PM Quote
Sorcha wrote:
Perfect concert, really enjoyed it

Does anyone Know how many people were there?

At the Mousonturm site they say: about 800 when not furnished with chairs. Exactly the right number for Travis gigs!! *g*
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Tue 10 Feb, 2009 9:39 PM Quote
silvella wrote:

Here is my (very personal) review:

It’s impossible to find the right words to express what a Travis concert means to me and surely all the other fans, too. This was my second Travis gig, and Tina and me have had the luck to be in the front row! That was incredibly intensive! The location was very small (and yes, Fran, very hot!!), and the presenters were happy because of the full house.
Leaving the car park, I stood right in front of the tour bus! The famous green “monster”… LOL And a little later, we met Dougie in front of it, and he was so kind to give us autographs and we made some photos.
And then it began… The Alexandria Quartet was a good support act, they played great songs, and then we were enjoying…

1. Chinese Blues (I agree: the perfect opening song!)
2. J. Smith
3. Re-Offender (goes perfect with the new tunes)
4. Writing To Reach You
5. Pipe Dreams (was so amazing!)
6. Something Anything (a powerful live song)
7. Long Way Down
8. Love Will Come Through (everybody swaying…)
9. Closer
10. Side (if it had been possible I would have fallen on my knees to thank you for this song)
11. Driftwood (where is my tissue??? I really didn’t think it would happen to fall in love with a song?!)
12. Falling Down (to Fran: Tina and me will never wash our hair again!! LOL)
13. Sing
14. Indefinitely (this was amazing!)
15. Song To Self
16. Village Man (oh, a good old friend!!)
17. Before You Were Young (the best live song ever!!! I vote for BYWY to be the next single!!)
18. Turn (all eyes on Dougie…)
19. Ring Out The Bell (…again! A dream came true! ;) )
20. Selfish Jean
21. Flowers In The Window (without microphones!!!)
22. Why Does It Always Rain On Me (Pogo! And … sniff… the last song!)

Dougie shook his hips, Fran sang really powerful, and at “Falling Down” he went into the crowd right between Tina and me! Neil maltreated his drums with passion, especially the drums on BYWY were kick-ass! And Andy caressed his guitar and made his Aerobic lessons like a young gymnast (what is your back bone from, Andy? Durex?).

Much too soon it was over!! And like on the CD booklets I do my Thankyou’s:

Thank you Dougie for being so patient with Tina and me with the photos. And for the “Who-is-looking-the-other-way-first-contest” between you and me – you beat me! LOL

Thank you Fran for taking us Fans seriously, e.g. by telling us that it was a hard gig for you because all of you couldn’t hear yourself on stage (and because of the heat…), and fulfilling our wishes even though it was 1.30 a.m.

Thank you Andy for giving my friend Tina the best call of her life!!! She said this morning that she is sorry for screaming so loud and she hopes that you didn’t get deaf…

Thank you Neil for changing your clothes behind the bus windows!!! No, they are NOT opaque!!! Please, please come out at the next gig!! There’s an ugly vacant space beside three signatures on my booklet that is crying out for his destiny!!

Thank you Claes for looking over at us freezing fans…

Thank you to the tour crew!! We were watching at your hard work while waiting for the stars. You do a hard but a great job, and for me you are stars, too!

Last but not least: Thank you Tina!!!! You know what for!!


I'll put it on the Tour Archive as soon as I'll find time for the photos. And
at hr3 you can find amazing pics of the gig and a short german review (scroll down to the yellow "Travis" box and click at one of the pics to open the gallery).

Also, they played Song To Self extended version like in the other German gigs?
Re: Best concert ever
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Tue 10 Feb, 2009 9:41 PM Quote
Welcome to the board Nevis and Sorcha! Good to hear more about the gigs and glad you had a great time!
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 4
Sorcha Posted Tue 10 Feb, 2009 10:05 PM Quote
silvella wrote:

At the Mousonturm site they say: about 800 when not furnished with chairs. Exactly the right number for Travis gigs!! *g*

You're right perfect number, I just hope that they will go there again.

Best for me was "Flowers in the window" that was brilliant
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 160
yurieee Posted Wed 11 Feb, 2009 1:25 AM Quote
I'll die for just to hear the Indefinately live.....
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 731
alyrtle Posted Wed 11 Feb, 2009 7:35 AM Quote
yurieee wrote:
I'll die for just to hear the Indefinately live.....

I was about to comment the same thing!!

Reading all these reviews and setlists make me oh so excited to see them when they come to Southern California :))) I'm glad all you guys and girls have had such an incredible time already!

The Travis train is a-choo-chooin' on over heaaa!
Re: Best concert ever
Posts: 356
silvella Posted Wed 11 Feb, 2009 10:10 AM Quote
Thanks for all your kind words!

@RaZzZ: Yes, Song To Self was the extended version, and it sounds live better than on the vinyl. How did you like it at the gigs?

@Sorcha: Flowers In The Window was so wonderful, and Fran got the people to be silent. What could be better than listening to Travis without microphones? And the venue was really perfect! Come back, guys!!

@yurieee: Indefinitely was a song I didn't expect they would give it, but it's amazing! Hope they will play it on other gigs, too.

@alyrtle: Indefinitely: see above. And have a lot of fun at the show, and I like the idea of the Travis Train... *g*
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