
Recurring Dreams Thread
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 9:46 PM Quote
as a kid i had this awful nightmare that recurred for quite a long time.

i dreamt i was in my bed and over in the corner on top of the wardrobe was Thelma Mansfield*, crouched down looking like she was going to pounce on top of me.

i also dreamt regularly that i was brought down into the television room against my will and made to stand in front of the television. then the telly would click on by itself and i would see Thelma sitting in there on the screen, she could see and hear me. I couldn't move, paralyzed. then she's reach down to the ground and bring up this thing that looked some some award you'd win in school, a shield of some sort and point it at me - THEN that would change and the TV screen would be filled with all these circles within circles, different colours with a picture of a man pointing a Gun at me...that was some freaky shit dude. i'd get variations on this theme too, i'd be at my granny's home and the tv thing would happen etc. i always knew when the dream would be starting because i could hear my eardrums pounding and pounding and then it would haven't thought about that for quite some time.

*Thelma Mansfield was a TV presenter on RTE (original Irish Television station) back in the day.
Re: Recurring Dreams Thread
Posts: 1018
Sunny Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 10:02 PM Quote
I used to have a recurring dream where I was hitting a fella who goes by the name of "Derek" on the head with one of those blow-up hammer things. Don't worry though, he was a Scotsman, I'm sure of it ...

And there's another one where I'm in an old street, probably pre-WW1, and there's a shop on the corner of a street that is really vivid. It's next to a market place which is full of people and animals. It's really random, but if you believe in past lives then it might make some kinda sense.

Re: Recurring Dreams Thread
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 10:11 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:
as a kid i had this awful nightmare that recurred for quite a long time.

i dreamt i was in my bed and over in the corner on top of the wardrobe was Thelma Mansfield*, crouched down looking like she was going to pounce on top of me.

i also dreamt regularly that i was brought down into the television room against my will and made to stand in front of the television. then the telly would click on by itself and i would see Thelma sitting in there on the screen, she could see and hear me. I couldn't move, paralyzed. then she's reach down to the ground and bring up this thing that looked some some award you'd win in school, a shield of some sort and point it at me - THEN that would change and the TV screen would be filled with all these circles within circles, different colours with a picture of a man pointing a Gun at me...that was some freaky shit dude. i'd get variations on this theme too, i'd be at my granny's home and the tv thing would happen etc. i always knew when the dream would be starting because i could hear my eardrums pounding and pounding and then it would haven't thought about that for quite some time.

*Thelma Mansfield was a TV presenter on RTE (original Irish Television station) back in the day.

RTE has a lot to answer for. When the Podge puppet was first introduced on the Den as a possessed evil ventrioloquist dummy trying to kill santa i was ill at the time suffering from fever and hallucinations already.
Podge did not help this at all by appearing everywhere...
damned scary for a kids show i tell thee
podge and rodge (same guys who used to be zig and zag )
Re: Recurring Dreams Thread
Posts: 1241
kim2007w Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 10:17 PM Quote
you dont mean her
do you
Re: Recurring Dreams Thread
Posts: 1382
jesusaremus Posted Wed 13 Jun, 2007 6:26 AM Quote
i used to havea horrible nightmare when i was a kid, and when i was sick, and i knew i was going to dream it, 'cause i started seeing things like they were very far from me, or like i was a tiny kid n the middle of the bed, it was horrible, then i was dreaming a dream in black and white, i was in the midde of a dark desert standing there with the sky very black, and i reember seeing the white sand, and around me there was like kind of beings with black hoods all of them surrounding me, bu one of thm was the most terrible i never saw none of their faces,but i remember feeling their galcnes, and i felt the glance of the most terrible of them, and i felt so damn nervous and i try to look to othe way, but the glance was there even if i wasn't looking to it, then i ran, and all of them do the same trying to catch me, but i was weak, and then idom't remember exactly but they started doing something powerful and i was so weak to do something, and it's all i remember.
Re: Recurring Dreams Thread
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 13 Jun, 2007 8:18 AM Quote
When I was a small kid, I used to dream that I was running with my group from the nursery on a running track around a football field. The field was somehow placed behind my parents' furniture store (there's a parking lot there in real life). Anyhow, we were all running around and around and suddenly, a man would start chasing us in a car. I was really scared of him and just tried running faster but I couldn't. The others didn't seem to notice him.

Very odd setting, I know, but man I was scared every time!
Re: Recurring Dreams Thread
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Wed 13 Jun, 2007 10:31 AM Quote
I have a very strange one. I can't remember it too well but i know i've had it a lot more than once. It involves me and maybe another couple of people in this very strange house and we always find Ricky Gervais in there wearing a big afro wig. We're all in a panic because we all know we need to get out before whoever it is comes home. They always do come home and its as if something awful is going to happen because i never remember anything after that.
Re: Recurring Dreams Thread
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Wed 13 Jun, 2007 11:31 AM Quote
lately i've had recurrent dreams of going to job interviews with stylists where i'm offered a glass of scotch
Re: Recurring Dreams Thread
Posts: 1381
happy_me Posted Wed 13 Jun, 2007 12:09 PM Quote
I used to dream that my bed was on a compass needle that was spinning uncontrollably when I was younger. A really unpleasant dream.
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