mario_healy wrote:
maybe someone will make the translation :P
only because i'm bored as hell here i go:
(1st page white letters above)
The English band returns to Mexico to support Peter Gabriel concert at "Foro SOl", which they consider "fantastic, because that man is a leyend and it is really an honor he toughts of us"
(Big red & orange letters)
"Suportting and so?"
(Red and black letters in left, 2nd page)
Against "vox populi" in musical industry, douglas payne, the bassist is sure the internet has dicrised the music quality, even when travis tunes are available at itunes
(article in black)
Just in the time the musical industry won't define their future, new voices become wich point towards new creation models and music distribution, under the internet files exchange platform.
The voice for certain moments seem general, even some voices claim the talent & record labels back, that time when records where more than a sound experience, and in those wich record were superior in quality against the "downloads".
Next year it seems will be terrible for the records companies. i honestly believe no one is selling records and that would suck for everyone. it seems that for the next 5 years there won't be more cds, and all the people would prefer to pay for the download rights, that being optimistic, and not with the ilegal procedures.
i think many people thinks of music as a luxury that must be free and that happens thanks to internet, because that's how things do now, comments Douglas Payne from a phone call since Amsterdam,
To payne, who belongs to that band with the Ode to J Smith record, and promoting for the next vist to mexico supporting Peter gabriel next March 27th, the key now is focus in live shows, an experience, wich don't dislike, but concibs as part of a band experience.
Is quite different to listen a band playing live than listen the record at home or while you're driving, in a concert you're not that comfortable, and the music apreciation is different.
Unlucky the key now seems to keep in a tour because the records sales in not affordable, express the bassist, who is acompannied with fran healy at vocals, andy dunlop guitarrist and the drumer neil primrose.
Concluding, the scotch musician asures that internet has killed the magic sprit from the music even with all the advantages that it represents for many other people in the internet distribution chanel fos his muscial production.
Internet has helped a little, pero the bad thing is that is has lost all the mysthiscm and that, altough is not wrong at all, you miss the magic dosis and mistery no longer existing.
Everting is merchandising, and even when people won't admit it they download the record, and listen to it superficially, and then dissmissed it, declares the bassist, which discography is available at itunes,
The PC & ipods are terrible to listen to music, they are not made it for, adds the musician, who couldn't missed the chance to mention the radiohead strategy for "inrainbows" records dor a free download, "it was not that new as they wanted to pretend"
That is something not "travis spirited", we would do it only if we were forced to, but they did it as publicity, not revolutionary as they wanted you to see it, is something that happend long ago".
Back to Mexico,
Barely in november 2007, travis performed at "Vive Cuervo Salon" their must recent concert in Mexico City. At that time the band play a semi-acoustic set (wich is not true, it was only a song), freeking the audience out, Now, supporting Peter Gabriel Douglas let clear that their biggest comminmet is make Big Shows.
We have always enjoy to play there, we have always have amaizing shows, and we have realized people is great. we hope to do a great show this time.
We go often to Mexico, because we go where we want to, and luckly people always wants us to play there, and if they keep aslikg we keeo going. Payne is sure that after going around the worl the mexican audience is one of the greatest seen from the stage.
The people is great, there are some who said audience is alwasy the same, no matter the place, but i don't thinks so, after so many trips you can always tell what kind of audience is waitng for you. the truth is that in every country you find different culture and you learn to apreciate the thankful ways of every place, because you're playing right in front of them. From mexicans i can tell that are very happy people, very thankful and they like to comunicate, and that is special for us.
About the expirience of perform supporting, after the music history you earn, they don't bother to support PG, because we are big fans.
To go there as his guest is really fantastic, "that man is a leyend" and we feel honored he invited us. Besides i haven't seen his show live ever, so is double exiciting, it would be an amazing show for sure.
The band promoves his record: Ode to J Smith, the sixth of their carer wich was recorded in two weeks, and they feel pretty satisfied, we really like how it sounds, and we enjoy play it live, that is always one of our targets, and after the tour in Europe, Asia and mexico they shall take a long rest.
We are used to play the whole time, its amazing what you get used to, i supossed that when i was young i never tought i would go to all those countries and meet so many people and cultres, but is no longer strange and we enjoy it,
Cheers & enjoy it!