
Chinese Blues
Posts: 1
rawumbrage Posted Mon 15 Dec, 2008 7:09 AM Quote
Weird story. The first time I took out my ipod to listen to Ode to J. Smith I was walking to the end of the street to get to work. I push play on Chinese Blues and step up to the corner. As I look down the street the lyrics start... "the snow was falling on your shoulders by the side of the road" "you watched as the sun went down..." "'s the way you look back before you step out in time to see the number of the bus that's running you down" ... the weird part comes in where it actually WAS snowing and, ok, the sun was coming up, not going down, but at that very moment the bus drove up the street and stopped at the stop about a foot in front of my face. Strange and yet amazing.
Re: Chinese Blues
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Mon 15 Dec, 2008 11:25 PM Quote
Glad you're still alive though..:) not like J.Smith...whatever he is...

But since you're talking about Chinese Blues:

I've been wondering why Dougie sings the same middlepart like Fran does. I mean this part:
"A million lonely people...."

on the recording there are like 3 lines. One's Fran singing, the other one's covered by the E-guitar and the third one (I'm pretty damn sure there is one......otherwise I should be checked in...) someone sings...first guess: Dougie...

So why is he - when they're performing life - singing the same line like Fran?

It'd be even better if he sang the other one ....I think
Re: Chinese Blues
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Mon 15 Dec, 2008 11:56 PM Quote
Your post makes me smile .... Its like my recent one going in to the minutae of Friends heehee - sign of a true fan :))
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