I found a page which contains loads of old Travis interviews, thought I'd share if someones interested!
Well there's some really interesting stuff in there if you've got time, lots of time ;)
The Fear"
"It's about that whole thing when summer's finishing and everything's beginning to change, people are moving away from you. You can feel something coming, and you don't know what it is, there's just that feeling that a change is gonna come."
"As You Are"
"I met this old guy on a train when I was seven years old, and he really took a shine to me, wrote this poem on the back of a pencil box, and gave it to me. I'd always thought 'As You Are' came from Nirvana's 'Come As You Are,' but I read this old guy's poem to our manager and realised it came from the first line: 'As you are now, so once was I...' I never saw the guy again."
Sing, Sing, Sing: Fran Meets the Beatle
Dougie Payne: This is the only time I've ever been insanely jealous of Frannie. I was standing at the back and completely green.
Fran Healy: We did the Elvis song, "Let's Have a Party," and Paul stepped all over my lines during the song. He came up to do my verse, and I backed off, and he backed off, and at that point, all the words went out of my head. He was really apologetic afterwards. He's the fucking don, that guy. He's so easy to get on with. It was amazing
Does Fran demo the songs ahead of time?
No, we never demo. He comes in with a song, and we all through it together and try and touch it as little as possible. We want to maintain the purity and emotional direction that the song came from in the first place. Keeping things as untouched as possible is important. We record the first thoughts in the studio in order to keep things fresh.
During a recent interview for allstar, Fran Healy of Travis revealed that what attracts him most to a woman is not the usual body parts but...good teeth and arms. "You American women, I love you," Healy told the female journalist interviewing him. "You and your dental plans, fantastic! I've got this thing about teeth, I totally love teeth! Teeth and arms, weird combination...and obviously all the other parts, and they've all got to be in good working order, but teeth and arms, man that's just the killer. And I'm in the wrong place [London]," Healy continued, "but people in general, they just don't have a fucking clue about teeth. They don't look after themselves. And arms are important because they're probably the only thing that's always on view, you know? Women don't get their boobs out and men don't always have they willys out. So arms are important." Good thing they're not on display or Healy would be mooning over those parts too...