
Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Wed 10 Dec, 2008 9:55 PM Quote
And I, apparently, didn't get the memo! It's snowing here in Houston. I just had a conversation with my 4 year old a couple of days ago telling him it doesn't snow here and he basically called me out as a liar just now. What a pleasant surprise :)
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Wed 10 Dec, 2008 10:17 PM Quote
lol in yo face! :P
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 10 Dec, 2008 11:04 PM Quote
Just got the following text from a friend who lives in Houston:

Is it snowing. Here. In houston. Or as we say in the south - hell done frozen over.
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Wed 10 Dec, 2008 11:47 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
Just got the following text from a friend who lives in Houston:

Is it snowing. Here. In houston. Or as we say in the south - hell done frozen over.

Your friend must be very wise to say the same thing as me ;)
If only the snow would stick *sigh*
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Wed 10 Dec, 2008 11:48 PM Quote
Flippin double post!
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 4:51 PM Quote
Why doesn't it normally snow in Houston?

Where else in America doesn't get snow?

Cali? Texas?
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 4:59 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
Why doesn't it normally snow in Houston?

Where else in America doesn't get snow?

Cali? Texas?

We're just too far south. It doesn't get cold enough and even if it does it doesn't stay cold enough for the snow to stick for very long.

When it does ice over here it's a crisis and businesses and schools close. It sounds silly but one, our cities don't have as much equipment to de-ice the roads and two people don't know how to drive in icy conditions.
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 5:00 PM Quote
Well, hot damn!
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 5:04 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
Peewee wrote:
Why doesn't it normally snow in Houston?

Where else in America doesn't get snow?

Cali? Texas?

We're just too far south. It doesn't get cold enough and even if it does it doesn't stay cold enough for the snow to stick for very long.

When it does ice over here it's a crisis and businesses and schools close. It sounds silly but one, our cities don't have as much equipment to de-ice the roads and two people don't know how to drive in icy conditions.

It's always funny to hear thing on the news such as: Schools in Pheonix closed due to 2cm of snow!
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 5:14 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
It's always funny to hear thing on the news such as: Schools in Pheonix closed due to 2cm of snow!

I know. It always strikes me as a bit silly but since I get some extra days off of work when ICE STORM 2006 strikes, I won't complain.

But like I said, people just don't know what to do with ice so it's a safety thing.
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 5:20 PM Quote
It sucked. My entire 4 years in Ottawa I didnt get 1 day off because of bad weather. Freezing rain or black ice should be automatic school closures. Stupid efficient plowing system and people expected to be able to deal with -40 degree weather.
Schools in Southern Ontario would get closed and us poor freezing people with snow up to our waists would still have to go. ERG.
Yet to have a day off work either. But i dont think it ever actually closes because of weather.
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 5:21 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
minnmess wrote:
It's always funny to hear thing on the news such as: Schools in Pheonix closed due to 2cm of snow!

I know. It always strikes me as a bit silly but since I get some extra days off of work when ICE STORM 2006 strikes, I won't complain.

But like I said, people just don't know what to do with ice so it's a safety thing.

For reals. If I don't have to come into work, I'm not gonna say anything!

I just can't believe we got 8-9 inches in March this year in Denton. I've never witnessed so much snow in my life!
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 5:42 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
It sucked. My entire 4 years in Ottawa I didnt get 1 day off because of bad weather. Freezing rain or black ice should be automatic school closures. Stupid efficient plowing system and people expected to be able to deal with -40 degree weather.
Schools in Southern Ontario would get closed and us poor freezing people with snow up to our waists would still have to go. ERG.
Yet to have a day off work either. But i dont think it ever actually closes because of weather.

Nothing is ever closed because of weather here. Well, the main airport was snowed under a couple of weeks ago, but that's very rare.
Winter tires on cars and long johns on people!
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 6:45 PM Quote
What annoys me is that you're supposed to get to school or work when it's snow storm, but most of the public transports are cancelled or delayed and you can't take your car without getting stuck in one km long traffic jams.
This makes it imposible to get anywhere on time.
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 10:44 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
minnmess wrote:
It's always funny to hear thing on the news such as: Schools in Pheonix closed due to 2cm of snow!

I know. It always strikes me as a bit silly but since I get some extra days off of work when ICE STORM 2006 strikes, I won't complain.

But like I said, people just don't know what to do with ice so it's a safety thing.

So note to everyone else, if you don't wanna drive in snow or ice, move to Southern Texas ;) I find it funny now how everything shuts down here in icy/snowy weather after living in CT and WA state these past 4 years. Salting and shoveling the driveway is now just a memory for me, thank GOD!
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