
Imagine Peace/Lennon
Posts: 719
MusicGirl99 Posted Sun 07 Dec, 2008 8:38 PM Quote
In remembering John's passing for tomorrow:

You can send a wish for peace or anything you like and it will be installed (I guess that's the word) on wish trees in the Imagine Peace Tower in Iceland.
Out of curiosity, has anyone been/live there?
Re: Imagine Peace/Lennon
Posts: 719
MusicGirl99 Posted Sun 07 Dec, 2008 8:46 PM Quote
Also if you're in Gateshead:

Re: Imagine Peace/Lennon
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Sun 07 Dec, 2008 9:50 PM Quote
Thanks for that :)

Also for John fans there is a new biography out by Philip Norman - 'The Life' which has had excellent reviews ( not got it yet) although Yoko apparently thought he was unkind to John in places.
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