
I guess its...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 12:56 PM Quote
...Just a case of, most people sort of think, oh I guess that because the two bodies have the same acceleration, THAT is the only reason the fall at the same speed on planet earth at just over 9.8m/s/s.
I guess its up to us to make sure that people realise that this isn't really a very good statement, because just because one body has the same acceleration as another, isn't a true baring on its velocity, Certainly their velocity will climb(pardon the pun) at the same rate, but mass is not negligable - as, we all know,
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction - you see? Massssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Oh and while I'm at it could people on this forum stop saying "I weigh 100kg" or "I weight 14 stone" or "150lbs" cos its getting right on my effing nerves!!!!!!! Thats your effing mass not your weight!!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Re: I guess its...
la femme qui
Posts: 259
la femme qui Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 1:28 PM Quote
Erm firstly, I don't think anyone has ever revealed their or any other body's weight on this forum... so don't lash out at them!

And secondly, you've got it all mixed up... when one says their weight is "100 kg", they are correctly talking about their weight, and not their mass. Their mass is not 100 kg, rather it is 100/9.8=10.2kg. The mistake in that statement is the "kg" part, which is a unit of mass, and not weight. The unit of weight is kgwt. Or kgm/s^2. Or kg^2/m^2. Or many more(I think). But people generally do not say that even though they know they should because they don't want to sound like Physics geeks.

And, where is all this coming from, by the way?
Re: I guess its...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 1:33 PM Quote
Ummm no

You confused me with sentence structure there.
Ones MASS is ONLY in kg (as I pointed out), or if they like it can be lbs or stones or whatever they like, but ones WEIGHT is a FORCE, which can ONLY be measured in NEWTONS.
Weight(N) = Mass(kg) x Gravitational Force (in Earths case 9.8)
W = m g

So my mass is exactly the same on Earth as it is on the moon, though my weight varies as it is a measure of force against gravitational force - W = m g

(no idea where you get that 100 from)

Basically you just said I'm wrong, then said almost everything the same as me but came up with some crazy figures that have nothing to do with it...

Think logically - how on earth can someones MASS be 10.2kg?!?!?!

Finally, as a mtter of speculation, probably down to you mistyping, but you're implying up there that someones weight is measured in kilogram-metres squared...kilgram accelarations...
Re: I guess its...
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 1:34 PM Quote

Geek fight!
Re: I guess its...
la femme qui
Posts: 259
la femme qui Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 1:40 PM Quote
Sorry about the sentence structure... didn't mean to confuse you(or maybe I did :))

You are right about the units, but in your first post you said that when a person says their weight is 100 kg, it is not their weight they are talking about but their mass, i.e., their mass is 100kg. Or did I misunderstand you?

And yes, mass is a constant, so if a body's weight is "100kg" on earth, its mass is 10.2kg everywhere, but not 100kg. No?

Sorry if that's what you meant in the first place. See me English not so good, see you?
Re: I guess its...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 1:44 PM Quote
la femme qui wrote:
Sorry about the sentence structure... didn't mean to confuse you(or maybe I did :))

You are right about the units, but in your first post you said that when a person says their weight is 100 kg, it is not their weight they are talking about but their mass, i.e., their mass is 100kg. Or did I misunderstand you?

And yes, mass is a constant, so if a body's weight is "100kg" on earth, its mass is 10.2kg everywhere, but not 100kg. No?

Sorry if that's what you meant in the first place. See me English not so good, see you?

No - you're right about the mass being a constant etc - but I'm just saying its a MISNOMER that people claim their weight is in kgs or lbs, they should be saying thats their mass. My mass is approximately 85kg, but my weight is a little under 850N on Earth, but my mass on the moon is still 85kg, but my weight is a little over 85 N, because on the moon the gravitational force is much less than that of Earths - the constant can't possibly change regardless, the clue is in the units - WEight is in N (a force), and we're talking about Gravitational Force Changing, therefore the change is in the WEight(force) in N, not the mass in Kg
Re: I guess its...
la femme qui
Posts: 259
la femme qui Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 1:45 PM Quote
Andrew wrote:

Geek fight!

Ah shaddup, you're a Molecular & Cellular Biology Student for God's sake!
Re: I guess its...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 1:46 PM Quote
Biology is crap - its barely even a science :D
Re: I guess its...
la femme qui
Posts: 259
la femme qui Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 1:57 PM Quote
DavesUrMan wrote:

No - you're right about the mass being a constant etc - but I'm just saying its a MISNOMER that people claim their weight is in kgs or lbs, they should be saying thats their mass. My mass is approximately 85kg, but my weight is a little under 850N on Earth, but my mass on the moon is still 85kg, but my weight is a little over 85 N, because on the moon the gravitational force is much less than that of Earths - the constant can't possibly change regardless, the clue is in the units - WEight is in N (a force), and we're talking about Gravitational Force Changing, therefore the change is in the WEight(force) in N, not the mass in Kg

So now I'm totally confused, I've figured out I'm doing just the opposite of what you are trying to say. Hmph. Was never interested in Physics, good thing I dropped it, eh?
Re: I guess its...
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 2:23 PM Quote
Haha this conversation is funny.

I'm no science dude but as far as I can tell I'm on Earth, and what my weight is anywhere else doesn't keep me up at night. So whether we believe we are measuring our weight or our mass when we say "kilograms", "pounds" etc surely doesn't matter that much?

Still, if you want to change society's understanding of these measurements, good luck. Just be prepared for a lot of anger when weightwatchers have to spend millions to change their name to "masswatchers".
Re: I guess its...
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 2:25 PM Quote
I seem to have stumbled upon a geek convention.
Re: I guess its...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 3:04 PM Quote
Typing to Reach You wrote:
Haha this conversation is funny.

I'm no science dude but as far as I can tell I'm on Earth, and what my weight is anywhere else doesn't keep me up at night. So whether we believe we are measuring our weight or our mass when we say "kilograms", "pounds" etc surely doesn't matter that much?

Still, if you want to change society's understanding of these measurements, good luck. Just be prepared for a lot of anger when weightwatchers have to spend millions to change their name to "masswatchers".

Haha lol :P
Re: I guess its...
la femme qui
Posts: 259
la femme qui Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 3:08 PM Quote
Typing to Reach You wrote:
So whether we believe we are measuring our weight or our mass when we say "kilograms", "pounds" etc surely doesn't matter that much?

Mass is matter my friend, mass is matter.
Re: I guess its...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 3:19 PM Quote
What would happen if an anti-matter comet collided with the Earth?

It wouldn't matter...
Re: I guess its...
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 3:25 PM Quote
This thread is even too geeky for this guy.

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