
Posts: 1
fbrennan1 Posted Tue 25 Nov, 2008 1:40 PM Quote
When are Travis coming to Australia?? Last time I saw them I had to travel to the other side of the world. I'm all for having an excuse to go to Europe but when are they gonna come here?
Re: Australia
Posts: 92
Bellringer Posted Wed 26 Nov, 2008 11:04 PM Quote
I'm asking the same question......I need my Travis....

Very few Aussies are into Travis, and all radio stations have ignored Travis's past 3 albums. It's a disgrace.
Re: Australia
Posts: 92
Bellringer Posted Fri 13 Feb, 2009 2:26 PM Quote
There is a 26 day gap between the Korean gig (March 1) and the first Mexican gig (March 27)

Would it be out of the question for Travis to possibly do a few gigs in the major cities down under sometime in March, we're pretty much in the same time zone as Korea and Japan.

Antone know if they've got any commitments during this seemingly vacant 26 day stretch?
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