this was the 1st travis gig for me on this tour, I remember planning this way back when the tour dates were published to us all I was like im going to bournemouth and so I did, booked my train tickets and a hotel room for the night. I was like yay my 1st gig on the tour!! i arrived in bournemouth at 11:15am and got a taxi straight to my hotel checked in for a bit then decided to walk down to the venue to check it out, walked round the back and saw the tour bus outside. THERE here already!! then I saw neil come out on his mobile phone n he went off for a walk along the coast, I then went down to the beach for a bit n had a walk around, this really was a lovely day for a travis gig. after a few hours i went back to the venue again and met up with kim2007w outside the back so we waited and then saw andy and we went upto him and asked if we could have pictures and with you all, of course we sat outside and waited till dougie came out, then a few mins later fran appeared!! I ended up speaking to fran for around 30mins which was quite amazing!! so then we were invited in for soundcheck i was lik omg!!! this is great the guys were so nice to us they really were!! unfortunately we were kicked to the back of the queue after the soundcheck which wasnt too bad, i eventually got in and was 2 rows back from fran. it was another great gig highlight for me wasa when fran entered the gig area he put his arms around a women who was shocked at who it was lol and fran apologised during the gig, it was another great 1 small hall really felt cosy too was really great i loved it !! after the gig we went round the back and waited for the guys to come out again and they did n we had pics again with them all1! i had a classic picture with fran and dougie which will be framed on my bedroom wall. thank you guysa for a great gig and to everyone i met too it was a great night can't wait for the next time!!!