
How's the Weather?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 5:44 PM Quote
Detroit, Michigan USA
Sunny and 28ºF/-2ºC
Bit of snow last night.
Found an icicle on my car yesterday!!

Temperature Converter
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 5:46 PM Quote
snowing heavily out of my window as i type this, and the snow lying as well. It's absolutely bloody freezing! Car said -0.5.
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 5:50 PM Quote
Fricking freezing here too.

It's baltic.
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 5:50 PM Quote
Bright and sunny but chilly. Im told it is -3.
We had our first snow on Wednesday but it is 90% gone now.
No icicles. Didnt have to clear any snow off my car this morning. I consider that a victory.
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 5:50 PM Quote
Moray wrote:
snowing heavily out of my window as i type this, and the snow lying as well. It's absolutely bloody freezing! Car said -0.5.

How do you know if the snow is lying? Doesn't look you in the eye?
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 5:57 PM Quote
-1,5 °C/5 °F, still no snow, but there's some not far from here. I live by the (south) coast, so it always takes a long time to get any before the sea freezes. Mind you, sometimes we get a huge amount BECAUSE we're at the coast.

Here's the forecast:
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 5:59 PM Quote
plus it's always rubbing its nose!
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 6:00 PM Quote
It's about 42ºF currently in Dallas right now...highs in the lower 50's today. Nice and sunny out! Too pretty to be at the office...I'm leaving early today, woohoo!
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 8:47 PM Quote
How's the weather?

It's back to work on
Oh let it go, tell me things I'd like to know
Frighten me enlighten me, oh no.

Sorry... it's an ordinary boys song... me and my brother always break into that song whenever someone says 'how's the weather?'... sad haha.

+ the weather in Bournemouth is grey and overcast. Though I went for a walk along the beach, and the sunset was red - which means it'll be nice tomorrow :-).
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 8:54 PM Quote
it's been raining like mad all day, it's stormy, it's cold... and in other parts of Germany it's snowing...
I looooove snow *sighs and waits*
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 8:59 PM Quote
mili wrote:
-1,5 °C/5 °F, still no snow, but there's some not far from here. I live by the (south) coast, so it always takes a long time to get any before the sea freezes. Mind you, sometimes we get a huge amount BECAUSE we're at the coast.

Here's the forecast:

Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 239
Steph_canuck Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 9:21 PM Quote
snowing, -6
This was acouple days ago. I went home last weekend and when i came back to school there had been a bizzard..and its been snowing since
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 959
fenchurch Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 9:24 PM Quote
For once it's not unbearably cold here! Still raining though :(
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 9:27 PM Quote
We just had a weird 5 minute blizzard.
Re: How's the Weather?
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 9:46 PM Quote
Ah, well, it's snowing now, a blizzard on its way for Sunday they say.

I'm glad I don't have a car, it would be Winter tyres' time now.
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