
please help stop this row im having with my sister.
Posts: 1190
frandougeil Posted Thu 20 Nov, 2008 5:48 AM Quote
I've been listening to Last Words a million times coz I've been trying to figure out which part/verse of the song Dougie sings?

It has even started a pretty ugly debate btwn me and my sis who first insists that he sang just these two lines:

Try to find a place you can begin
Begin to fill the space you're living in

while i think he sang more than that obviously rite??

Try to find a place you can begin
Begin to fill the space you're living in
Rip it up and start it all again
Turning all your enemies to friends

can somebody please straighten this out?Dougie?or anybody..
i would love for the pretty ugly row btwn me n my sis to end.besides i really wanna know which verse Dougie actually sang.Their voices sound so alike in this track..

Re: please help stop this row im having with my sister.
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Thu 20 Nov, 2008 6:08 AM Quote

Fran sings the whole song. ;) Dougie backing vocals as usual. :)
Re: please help stop this row im having with my sister.
Posts: 1190
frandougeil Posted Thu 20 Nov, 2008 11:09 AM Quote
BenFilbert wrote:

Fran sings the whole song. ;) Dougie backing vocals as usual. :)

seriously??oh man..i thought he sang a verse!!

anyways Thanx man for the revelation=)
Re: please help stop this row im having with my sister.
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Thu 20 Nov, 2008 4:26 PM Quote
Dougie wrote the song didn't he? Or am i getting confused?
Re: please help stop this row im having with my sister.
Posts: 389
akanksha Posted Thu 20 Nov, 2008 5:42 PM Quote
rebekah wrote:
Dougie wrote the song didn't he? Or am i getting confused?

Yes, Dougie wrote the song. Fran changed a few words, according to his blog entry on that song.
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