
another boring question about relationships...
Posts: 41
Emmy Posted Thu 13 Nov, 2008 2:05 AM Quote
God, I'm sorry to keep posting about this shit. But after verbalizing to friends and whoever else who will listen (or at least act like it), I've come here once again for more wisdom, common sense, tips and/or a kick in the ass. Sometimes writing things down helps get my feelings out even more and it also helps that there's an audience who is willing to offer advice, so thanks in advance for that and apologies to keep going on about this.

Anyway, for those of you who might remember (maybe none of you - feel free to read my previous but equally dull posts to get the scoop), there's a new guy in my work. He's been here about two weeks.

And while I admit I haven't made a really signifcant effort to get to know him better, I still want to, and from the brief conversations that we have had, I would like to get to know him more. The thing is that I don't what's holding me back.

I tend to be shy when meeting people, but warm up to them fairly quickly if they share interests or just seem like someone genuine and friendly. And he does fall into these categories - he likes sports, knows about the world around him, likes to travel, etc, etc..just a few things I've always thought would make a good boy friend or friend in general.

I know from some of your previous posts that it's probably not love at first site and that's okay. As much as I'd like it to be (I know that's pretty presumptous given that I hardly know him), something romantic, I know it doesn't always work that way and that's okay.

Anyway, by the few things I know about him, I'd to get to know him better, but for some fucked up reason I'm tongue tied and can barely manage a normal conversation about the nasty tasting water in the water fountain.

It's weird. I'm talkative around my coworkers and friends at work and I like making others laugh, so does he think I'm ignoring him by not really talking or waiting for him to talk first before I say anything.

I have thought about asking him out to lunch or for a drink or whatever, but don't know why I haven't yet. Awkwardness I guess, even though it shouldn't be awkward.

Do guys like that sort of thing? To be asked out for coffee first? How do they read into it? Sorry, I'm not sure what I'm asking but maybe some of you can relate or give some tid bits of advice.

By the way, I've had an interview for another job and think I have a pretty good chance at it. Let's say I get it and leave my current job without indicating interest to the guy and regreting?

Sorry to go on and on. Thanks for reading and for any wisdom.
Re: another boring question about relationships...
Posts: 710
bara Posted Thu 13 Nov, 2008 12:05 PM Quote
well. i know that. maybe you shouldnt go to him with that thought that he could be a boyfriend. just take him as you take everyone there. i know thats hard but try it. maybe it helps to loose that coyness...

ive been knowing a guy for 1 1/2 years now i think and it was always like i never would reach him really, although i never liked him more than friendshiply (?).. well some time ago he was looking for me in the internet and we talked a bit (theres no other way to get in contact, cause we werent in contact really). i still really like him but im a bit worried that he asked me for a drink cause i dont know what he thinks if ill meet him..
well probably thats childish from me, but.. i just wanted to tell so that might helps with your decision?
maybe you better suggest a meeting for some people you like at your work and tell him youd be happy to be around there as well...

Re: another boring question about relationships...
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Thu 13 Nov, 2008 12:21 PM Quote
Well I'm not Dr. Love or anything...

I always get shy when I'm interested in someone, so you're not alone. Well I would appreciate if someone would ask me out for a drink :) There's some secret rule that the guy should make the first step and be romantic and blah blah.
I'm very romantic, but I love when the girl makes an effort.

Maybe you could write him something honest and cute? I tried that method once and it had great results! :) Otherwise the best adwise from me is: be cool, have some self-confidence and show your interest.

You only live once! :)

Edit: Yeah yeah yeah my english sucks :P
Re: another boring question about relationships...
Posts: 710
bara Posted Thu 13 Nov, 2008 1:05 PM Quote
swedish man, your english isnt bad! swedes are much better than germans usually. so shame on you that you think youre bad at it. woof!

hmm.. good to know by the way. then i know how to act if i ever meet a swedish guy..

ah and i think that first step thing is overrated, too. today there existing many shy boys/men i guess. hihi.
so and.. if you know youll get the job, how long will it take till you have to start it?
i mean if you get the job you can try everything with that guy, cause you dont have to see him every day at work..
(see, dr. love , that sentence is bad english.. hope you got both understood it?!)
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