
TWO Greedy Americans
Lizzie b
Posts: 176
Lizzie b Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 11:11 AM Quote
So the story is this lady bought a house and hired a contractor to do some work. While he was tearing down a bathroom wall he found $182,000 in late 1920s era currency. She felt he was entitled to 10%, he felt he was entitled to 40%. The family of the guy who originally stashed the money got wind of what was found and sued for it. Everyone ended up w/ barely anything.

Entire Article Here

Ok, so my brother once got his hands on a 1928 $20 bill. He researched to see how much it was and it is worth about $50 today. The bills that were found were still wrapped in paper and NEVER circulated! $198k is a lot of money to sit on, then add on its current value! If the contractor and owner could have just agreed, then the descendants would never have known. I dunno about you, but I think I would be willing to give the contractor 50% to keep his mouth shut.
Re: Greedy Americans
Posts: 2003
AbsGinger Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 11:44 AM Quote
This post should not be about "americans" - it's an issue between 2 people.
Enough said.
Re: Greedy Americans
Posts: 275
Kristy Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 11:47 AM Quote
"Greedy Americans"

that's just asking for trouble! ;-)

Re: Greedy Americans
Posts: 2003
AbsGinger Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 11:58 AM Quote
Kristy wrote:
"Greedy Americans"

that's just asking for trouble! ;-)

Re: Greedy Americans
Lizzie b
Posts: 176
Lizzie b Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 1:03 PM Quote
I'M american.
but i will change it so as not to offend my fellow ppl.
Re: TWO Greedy Americans
Posts: 100
PictureInWhite Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 1:47 PM Quote
I'm an American as well and I really didn't feel that was offensive, either. Those folks were greedy and they were American, though those two things aren't mutually exclusive. People are so afraid of offending nowadays. Sheesh.
Re: TWO Greedy Americans
Lizzie b
Posts: 176
Lizzie b Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 2:04 PM Quote
PictureInWhite wrote:
People are so afraid of offending nowadays. Sheesh.

exactly. thank you.

i was honestly just trying to share a story, not a stereotype.
Re: TWO Greedy Americans
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 2:42 PM Quote
I saw this yesterday. So ridiculous. Also sad that they'd been friends since school so I'm guessing that's been ruined too.
Re: TWO Greedy Americans
Posts: 275
Kristy Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 7:15 PM Quote
Lizzie b wrote:
PictureInWhite wrote:
People are so afraid of offending nowadays. Sheesh.

exactly. thank you.

i was honestly just trying to share a story, not a stereotype.

Judging by recent posts on American topics it seemed as though certain American boardies weren't too happy about a stereotype ... or anything that could be perceived as being one.

Re: TWO Greedy Americans
Posts: 362
elfy Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 7:38 PM Quote
I hate people who generalise, they're all the same.
Re: TWO Greedy Americans
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 7:39 PM Quote
elfy wrote:
I hate people who generalise, they're all the same.

Re: TWO Greedy Americans
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 8:03 PM Quote
Lizzie b wrote:
PictureInWhite wrote:
People are so afraid of offending nowadays. Sheesh.

exactly. thank you.

i was honestly just trying to share a story, not a stereotype.

That's quite a sad story... they must be kicking themselves now!!
+ It didn't even enter my mind as being stereotypical till it was bought up, pshhh it's interesting to know where stuff happens, end of. Calm down people, this place used to be open, and fun!! sigh.
Re: TWO Greedy Americans
Posts: 125
OHMEATPIES Posted Sun 09 Nov, 2008 9:00 PM Quote
Mmm... I would go half-half. Half of 182 is 91. Add today's value and it's alright. Who needs so much money anyway? If you're to fight over it until death, just give it away to poor people. Better for your mind.

Oh, and yeah, saying "american" can be considered kinda mean. They could be from anywhere in the world their greediness wouldn't change. But let's not start a debate.
Re: TWO Greedy Americans
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 10 Nov, 2008 12:11 PM Quote
elfy wrote:
I hate people who generalise, they're all the same.

I've told you a million times dont exaggerate

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