
GAR! Halloween is a stupid holiday!
Lizzie b
Posts: 176
Lizzie b Posted Sun 02 Nov, 2008 11:03 PM Quote
ok, ok, i know y'all love it, but i do not. when i was young, my mom researched the origins of halloween and she decided that she did not want her kids growing up celebrating such an evil-filled holiday. so anyway, i grew up having never dressed up or gone trick-or-treating. everyone always asked if i feel like i missed out. my answer is no. my mom always bought good candy to have on hand and it was always really crappy weather on the night of trick-or-treating; most of the kids were miserable in the rain anyway.
after i moved out on my own, i considered starting to go to parties and doing the whole halloween thing, but the more i look at the holiday, the more i hate it. have i myself researched the origins of the holiday? no. but i have seen what it has become and i really don't like it. it is sickening to think that ppl think such evil creepy stuff is fun/funny. i think it is not. and the night itself gives ppl a reason to commit crime and just be generally stupid (in the US anyway).
Anyway, i am ranting here cuz this halloween some dumb-ass kids decided to set fire to my parents yard. my parents house is notoriously known for being the "house that doesn't give candy" and the long-term neighbors have pretty much just learned to not come trick-or-treating there. Well, my parents got some new neighbors and they have a teen-age daughter. my mom has seen her and her friends smoking on their corner (conveniently out of her parent's site). my parents' yard is full of trees and bushes, so my mom wrote on the sidewalk in chalk "please don't smoke here, leaves can catch fire" (yes, that is very passive aggressive, and very "my mom", but it's her yard she has a right). so anyway, some kids decided to TP my parents yard this year. fine whatever, it is annoying to clean up, but not dangerous. well friday night my parents were going to bed and my dad saw some kids strike a match and throw it into the TP/dry leaved tree. gee, i wonder who it could have been?? GAH! luckily my parents saw it cuz who knows exactly how much could have caught on fire. my parents could have been sleeping and the house could have caught on fire!!! i am so pissed! and this is just one more reason why i HATE HALLOWEEN!

ok, thanks for the rant.
Re: GAR! Halloween is a stupid holiday!
Posts: 906
spid Posted Mon 03 Nov, 2008 8:28 AM Quote
lizzie how awful for you and your parents! I don't do trick or treating either. Have no problem with the past just hate the idea of being held over a barrel for sweets. I gave a load of teenagers yogurts one year - they weren't impressed (but as i had a sign on the door saying i wasn't partaking in the celebrations they were lucky to get anything - cheeky devils) I Scotland you can go guising instead - that is where you have to perform a song, a dance, a rhyme etc for your sweets - much betteras a tradition. Earn your candy.
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