
only 5 milllion to the Congo
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 11:53 PM Quote
from the UK
All things considered, Jonathon Ross would have been better working and offering 1 years salary to this cause.This would have saved his bacon too , longer term if Terry Wogan is right about his future.

Re: only 5 milllion to the Comgo
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 02 Nov, 2008 12:01 AM Quote

Why should the UK have to bail them out ?? 5 Mill is a lot of money when the world is in an economic slump ?? as for Ross and Brand they are just a couple of spoilt arrogant wanks who believe they can get away with whatever they feel like.

Re: only 5 milllion to the Congo
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Sun 02 Nov, 2008 7:54 AM Quote
5 mill is nothing. less than 1 yrs salary for some was my point though.

AfTer all the financial bailing out and the reasons for bailing out , starving to death is still never one of them.
Re: only 5 milllion to the Comgo
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 02 Nov, 2008 11:54 AM Quote
Somewhere Else wrote:
5 mill is nothing. less than 1 yrs salary for some was my point though.

AfTer all the financial bailing out and the reasons for bailing out , starving to death is still never one of them.

Oh I agree, I'll bet their are bankers out there losing there jobs who are getting a damn site more than 5 Million in redundancy and that will be before they take home consultancy fees for sitting on the boards of several large companies, which basically means they turn up to 4 or 5 meetings a year and take home a massive wedge of cash.

My point is why is it falling to the average tax payer to foot the bill once again ??

Re: only 5 milllion to the Congo
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Sun 02 Nov, 2008 1:17 PM Quote
Ah yes the taxpayer......those are the people who the govt got to lend to the Banks, who, by way of return , altered their rules to repossess the taxpayer's homes if they are 1 payment late in their credit cards or their mortgage - with the money they owe to themselves.

I suppose we should be glad we are not starving , only homeless.
Re: only 5 milllion to the Congo
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 02 Nov, 2008 3:44 PM Quote
I recently read smewhere that if you have Shelter(home, heat etc.), Clean Water (Hot or Cold Running) and Food. You are better off than 70% of the worlds population.

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