
Travis Radio Spotter back fae Glasgow
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Wed 29 Oct, 2008 11:28 AM Quote
and what spotting I did ! :-D there was ....(erm sorry I can't remember :-P) on XFM Scotland, SING on BBC2 just as I got in the car on leaving Glasgow.

Plus... loads ODE eyes staring at me from everywhere, walking into a charity shop, there on the shelf Fran staring at me! the unauthorised Travis biography (no, I didn't buy it :-P), a wee article in the Sunday Herald about a book of rock star tour scibbles.. Fran's 'Hills of Glasgow' being the most fave entry... (no, I didn't rush out and buy that book either :-D )

anyways it felt like Travis were all around me..... a lovely feeling :)
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