
She's So Strange
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Sat 25 Oct, 2008 6:00 PM Quote
I bet this has already been said or something, but i might've missed it, so..
Does anyone know what the song is about? Or the reasoning behnd it? Cos i LOVE it :D

..and was just wondering lol

Thanks (:
Re: She's So Strange
Posts: 389
akanksha Posted Sat 25 Oct, 2008 8:03 PM Quote
I read that the inspiration for the song came from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. It's about "a woman who rips off the company she works with" according to the Travis discography posted Rallyfoeraren .

I LOVE that song too. It's a lovely weird song, isn't it? Though I can never make out the little bit of dialogue at the end, after the song fades out. I hear something like "Life in child?" or "Wife and child..." before the car door slams and the next track begins. I always wonder what that bit of speech says!
Re: She's So Strange
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Sun 26 Oct, 2008 1:42 PM Quote
Ahh thank you i tried looking but i couldn't find it anywhere before :S

Re: She's So Strange
Posts: 719
MusicGirl99 Posted Sun 26 Oct, 2008 6:10 PM Quote
You should read that, it's quite well done.
Re: She's So Strange
Posts: 83
o_unico Posted Mon 27 Oct, 2008 2:21 AM Quote
rebekah wrote:
I bet this has already been said or something, but i might've missed it, so..
Does anyone know what the song is about? Or the reasoning behnd it? Cos i LOVE it :D

..and was just wondering lol

Thanks (:
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