
The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 3:06 AM Quote
I'm sorry but I cannot hold my silence about this any longer.

There's this show on VH1 called 'The Pick Up Artist.' Basically it's hosted by this guy who is under the gross assumption that he's good at picking up girls. So he has this reality elimination game show where a bunch of dweebs, doofuses and mouth breathers live in a house and are under his tutelage. He uses the most insulting dumbest ways to bag women. Example: The neg. The neg is a negative insult that you say to a women that's obviously untrue to start conversation. Huh?

My other beef. Get a look at this fartknocker (as evidence as to just how pissed I am, I haven't used the term 'fartknocker' since I was 9.)

1. This dude calls himself... MYSTERY! WTF???!?!?!!!?
2. The black nail polish, the cowboy hats, the ski goggles, the funny sounding canadian accent, the GUYLINER!!! I'm sorry but girl clothes, canadian accents (sorry Kristy), and fuzzy hats are not a sure fired way to get laid. It just isn't.

ARGH!!!! Somebody stop this douche bag!!!
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 157
Bryn Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 3:22 AM Quote

1999 called, they want their not-really-even-cool-then hat, nailpolish, and guyliner (never heard that term but it's a keeper) back.
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 3:23 AM Quote
He looks a bit like Boy George..
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 3:24 AM Quote
Ummm, yeah. No.

I've never even seen this, and I'm already 100% with you. I did see that article on TWOP this afternoon, but I didn't check it out because I neither watch MTV or reality shows. (And now I'm glad that I haven't let curiosity get the better of me!)

On top of apparent doucheyness...."Mystery" has to be just about the worst alias I have ever heard in the history of ever. Seriously, it reminds me of that episode of Spongebob where he had that Seahorse...named Mystery. It conjures up images of Lisa Frank school Supplies. To me anyway. Yuck.

(I only say "Just About" because we have to take into consideration Chad Ocho Cinco.)
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 3:39 AM Quote
The thing is these guys aren't really socially retarted. They just never had any friends who were girls growing up. At the beginning of the show each guy gets kind of a makeover, nothing drastic but they clean up a bit. All these guys need to do is be confident, and nice and they shouldn't have any trouble finding a girl.

Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 3:50 AM Quote
he's canadian? bleck.
he looks creepy.

I dont think i sound funny...

oh ya, and i saw your link to TWOP too. I think you are even cooler now that I know you read TWOP.
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 4:04 AM Quote
minnmess wrote:

I dont think i sound funny...

You probably don't sound funny Kristy. But this guy's accent does. Especially when he's trying to tell a guy that using a feather boa is great to reign in the chicks *rolls eyes*.

I didn't realize so many people read TWOP! This makes me happy.

Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 4:31 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
minnmess wrote:

I dont think i sound funny...

You probably don't sound funny Kristy. But this guy's accent does. Especially when he's trying to tell a guy that using a feather boa is great to reign in the chicks *rolls eyes*.

I didn't realize so many people read TWOP! This makes me happy.

how would i ever resist someone with a feather boa? eeks
TWOP is great! Drunken Bee is my fav recapper.
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 4:50 AM Quote
minnmess wrote:

how would i ever resist someone with a feather boa? eeks
TWOP is great! Drunken Bee is my fav recapper.

I read True Blood recaps but I'm this close to stopping. The show is one hour long and this guy's recap is usually 25 friggin' pages long on average! And there's not a lot of funny commentary, just a lot of stuff from his own assumption. Just a lot of overwrought non funny commentary. Pisses me off...
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 5:29 AM Quote
I used to read the Brothers and Sisters ones. Sometimes they really are overkill though. I like other features though, and browsing the forum. :D
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 8:52 AM Quote
I know some people who properly consider themselves "pick up artists". They're mentioned a lot in Neil Strauss's "The Game". There's a whole bizarre subculture devoted to it. They join up on internet forums called 'lairs' to discuss their conquests and call their collective "The Seduction Community". They claim to base a lot of their methods on psychology and game theory. They have terms for everything, their own language. E.g. going out as a pick up artist is called "Sarging" and you can go out in pairs with your "wingman". They have acronyms for people who they consider their enemeies for the evening. And they have a whole load of lines up their sleeves for various occassions called "openers"

It all sounds really seedy to me, and as if these guys actually hate women.
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 12:39 PM Quote
LMAO!!! I love when you get all fired up about something you hate, Lauren. It's hilarious. That guy is the definition of douche bag.
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 1:17 PM Quote
Moray wrote:
I know some people who properly consider themselves "pick up artists". They're mentioned a lot in Neil Strauss's "The Game". There's a whole bizarre subculture devoted to it. They join up on internet forums called 'lairs' to discuss their conquests and call their collective "The Seduction Community". They claim to base a lot of their methods on psychology and game theory. They have terms for everything, their own language. E.g. going out as a pick up artist is called "Sarging" and you can go out in pairs with your "wingman". They have acronyms for people who they consider their enemeies for the evening. And they have a whole load of lines up their sleeves for various occassions called "openers"

It all sounds really seedy to me, and as if these guys actually hate women.

you seem to know a lot about this!
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 1:25 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Moray wrote:
I know some people who properly consider themselves "pick up artists". They're mentioned a lot in Neil Strauss's "The Game". There's a whole bizarre subculture devoted to it. They join up on internet forums called 'lairs' to discuss their conquests and call their collective "The Seduction Community". They claim to base a lot of their methods on psychology and game theory. They have terms for everything, their own language. E.g. going out as a pick up artist is called "Sarging" and you can go out in pairs with your "wingman". They have acronyms for people who they consider their enemeies for the evening. And they have a whole load of lines up their sleeves for various occassions called "openers"

It all sounds really seedy to me, and as if these guys actually hate women.

you seem to know a lot about this!

When I found out that some friends of friends of friends were doing it, I scoped it out on t'interweb, out of curiosity as I couldn't believe people did that. Come on, me as a pick up artist. Can you see that?!
Re: The Pick Up Artist
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 1:31 PM Quote
Moray wrote:
minnmess wrote:
Moray wrote:
I know some people who properly consider themselves "pick up artists". They're mentioned a lot in Neil Strauss's "The Game". There's a whole bizarre subculture devoted to it. They join up on internet forums called 'lairs' to discuss their conquests and call their collective "The Seduction Community". They claim to base a lot of their methods on psychology and game theory. They have terms for everything, their own language. E.g. going out as a pick up artist is called "Sarging" and you can go out in pairs with your "wingman". They have acronyms for people who they consider their enemeies for the evening. And they have a whole load of lines up their sleeves for various occassions called "openers"

It all sounds really seedy to me, and as if these guys actually hate women.

you seem to know a lot about this!

When I found out that some friends of friends of friends were doing it, I scoped it out on t'interweb, out of curiosity as I couldn't believe people did that. Come on, me as a pick up artist. Can you see that?!

i guess you wouldnt need Anne's services if you were. Maybe you are a wingman
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