
Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 8:55 PM Quote


Again: I've been trying to find a similar thread - but haven't been successful - so I start this one.

I noticed that music - or a common hobby can bring people together. As it seems to do so here. There are so many countries and cities represented here. I wonder where you all come from? What is it like there? Anything special? Any special story?

To make a short start (since I should be studying right now.... :( )

I'm currently living in Switzerland. Studying in Zurich. People here are nice - and proude - and kinda - well not the young ones - boring :)
Maybe that's because of the weather here...or because they can't seem to understand themselfs :) ( 4 national languages, and lots of dialects....-strange accents ;) )

But the guys at the college are chilly.

I'm currently studying German and English/Latin. But am thinking to exchange English for Law...since it's very similar to German (Phonetics etc.)

In my free time, I'm playing in a band - for now 6 yrs. And I love skiing (come on - you have to do that when you live here...besides: It's much more fun skiing during the night..ever done that?)

Well besides this little country, I love the world. My family lives in Munich, a best friend's coming from Netherlands, my best friend's back to
where are you from?
lg (= greets)
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 10:16 PM Quote
I'm from Munich, Bavaria (Germany).

Most beautiful city of the woooorld (that's why so many people from the north of Germany want to live here *grr* ;p). (Politically speaking, Munich is like a small "left-ish" island in a huge conservative Bavarian sea)

Some information for potential tourists:
Bavaria has the most stunning countryside (lakes, mountains), nice weather, and nice people, too ;D! In Munich, there are so many "foreigners" (i.e. people who were not born in Bavaria) and natives brought up by "non-Bavarian" parents (like me ;)) that you won't have many problems with the language if you know "high German" (or English of course). However, there are proud natives here who seem to dislike speaking understandable Bavarian/German ;p and it's always good to know certain phrases and words so you don't have to starve ;p.

If, however, you ever come to the small town in Lower Bavaria where I'm studying, you should be prepared to hear something that doesn't sound like German AT ALL. The town is called Passau, it's a very charming small town (apart from that accent ;p), the countryside is beautiful (3 rivers, Passau is like a peninsula), but seriously, people from this part of Germany were not educated to communicate with the rest of us ;D Sometimes I still have difficulties here, especially with understanding elderly people.

Oh and:
Don't listen to other Germans telling you Bavarians are unfriendly! They seem to be. But in fact, being grumpy is just kind of a national sport. And listening to a native Bavarian (man) having a fit because of some small thing (like beer prices ;p) can be an enlightening experience indeed. You'll learn loooots of new words that other Germans will find funny ;D. Bavaria was a free kingdom once, so expect people to be proud, too. ("We're from Bavaria. That's near Germany.").
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 10:27 PM Quote
I had the good luck to be born in New Zealand. I was born in a place called New Plymouth, which is in the North Island (my profile pic is of Mt Egmont/Taranaki which you could see from my old veranda). I lived there until I was 9. It was a bit of a hole when I was there, but it's better now, and being able to see the mountain from anywhere is pretty amazing,

When I was 9 I moved to Christchurch in New Zealand in the South Island until I was 15. I also spent a lot of time in a small ex-mining town, Roxburgh, right down the bottom of the country, where my grandad lives and where we had a holiday house.

I then moved to Limerick in Ireland because my mum wanted to train to be a midwife (why in Ireland.. i don't know) and we had Irish Citizenship already, I finished my schooling there - my family are still there.

When I was 18 I moved to Edinburgh in Scotland for 6 months to work. It was so awesome, I lived opposite the Palace of Holyroodhouse, and did nothing for six months apart from have fun.

Then I moved to Dunedin in the South Island of New Zealand for six months for university. It's supposed to be the 'Edinburgh of the south' psshhhhhh. It wishes.

I didn't like it there, so I moved to Perth in Australia for nearly a year when I was 19. I loved the weather, I also spent some time up in Hall's Creek up north, and saw things and situations Australians shouldn't be proud about :-(.

After that I moved to Scotland again, and lived in Edinburgh, and in a hotel just out of Oban in the highlands until I was 20. I did waitressing split shifts, and in-between we used to hop on ferries to the islands, or climb the hill behind the hotel, or go for walks by the lough just across the road.

Then I moved down to Bournemouth in England, where I am at University studying Archaeology and Prehistory... for now... :-) I also go back and forth to Ireland every few months.
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Lizzie b
Posts: 176
Lizzie b Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 10:38 PM Quote
KIWI: you've just been everywhere, huh? lol

I grew up in a tiny town just outside of Chicago, but attended university in downtown Chicago. I freaking LOVE Chicago. It is a great city where you can get that 'big city' feel, but it isn't so large so as to be overwhelming.

I've moved to Reading, UK because my husband's job sent us here. I haven't got much to say about Reading because I haven't been here that long. But I am enjoying my stay here.

I will say that the public transport in London is really quite clean as compared to Chicago.
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 10:42 PM Quote
Lizzie b wrote:
KIWI: you've just been everywhere, huh? lol

I wish! It kind of sucks moving overseas doesn't it? But it's worth it in the end!
You're in Reading? Lucky. I'm jealous of anyone closer to London than me :-(.
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 186
Nattasha Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 1:38 AM Quote
Hi everyone
I was born in a very small town called Los Andes (Chile), it's a very peaceful place but when I was 18 I moved to Santiago (capital of Chile) because most of the importants chilean Universities are in the capital (and also Universities from Santiago have better opportunities for my profession), but I like Santiago very much, you can go to the beach or to the mountains in less than 2 hours!. I have had the opportunity to visit the north of Chile and it's amazing, the desert, salar of Atacama, Geisers, and the south of chile has very beautiful landscapes.
Chile is a very beautiful country, you can find lots of kinds of landscapes, if you like the vegetation (green areas) the south it's your place, if you like the beach we have many of them, if you like the mountains...., the desert we have the Atacama desert.....

Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 2:54 AM Quote
I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I've always lived here and I love it. I love my country.
I'm not too inspired to write much about it though :oP
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 44
laura_bjski Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 6:25 AM Quote

I'm from Argentina, Buenos Aires.
I don't like a few things
I don't like the weather..sometimes it's too hot..
But it's a nice place to live...The people (the mostly) is charming...
I'm a Travis fans since 2001. And I have the WONDERFUL oportunity of meet Andy and Fran ♥ in the backstage of a show!!
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 6:41 AM Quote
I'm from Helsinki, the capital of Finland. There are only 5,2 million people in the country, a lot of forest and lakes and properish seasons. Summer is usually lovely, but both Autumn and Spring seem to drag on forever. Winter is long and dark, Summers are very light; in the North the sun doesn't set at all for weeks.
Helsinki is a beautiful city on the Baltic, "the pearl of the Baltic" as it's sometimes called. We have a brilliant public transport system and plenty of shoreline to cycle or walk on. A strip of forest called the central park reaches to the center of the city causing an odd elk wandering in sometimes. Bears have been spotted within 50 km from the center, but no polar bears. In an outdoors museum island near my home there are the tamest squirres I've ever seen, they climb on you if they think you have nuts in your hand.

I have lived in Munich, too, and love it. There are places in Munich that remind me of Helsinki and vice versa.
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 7:43 AM Quote
I was born in the village of Gråsten in Denmark. Back then I didn't realise that it's a very beautiful and charming little place. I suppose you have to move away to see a place with different eyes.

When I was 19 (in 1999), I moved to Aarhus to study. In 2001, I spent a semester at a university in Lyon, France. It was a part of my bachelor's degree. After finishing my degree, I thought I'd better go abroad again so I ended up in Glasgow for a year, commuting to Greenock every day for work. Didn't really feel like living in Greenock though.

After that year I moved back to Aarhus to do a master's degree. I finished that three years ago and now live in Kolding, Denmark. Kolding is a lovely town but I would never have thought to move here if it wasn't for my job. Sometimes it's funny where life takes you, and I really like it here :o) It's also right between Aarhus and Gråsten, so it's really easy to go see my family down south and my friends in Aarhus up north...

PS: Lilly, you really need to see this sketch if you don't already know it. It's about Bavaria but extremely silly!

The Bavarian Restaurant

EDIT: link should be correct now...
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 7:53 AM Quote
Hanne wrote:

PS: Lilly, you really need to see this sketch if you don't already know it. It's about Bavaria but extremely silly!

Wow, that was silly! Thanks!
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 7:56 AM Quote

Oh Coool...

I once lived in Munich - my family still does...(and I do know that kind of "national sports..." creepy though.....

Do you know Allach? and Ottobrunn and Mittlerer Ring...somwhere there they all are living....

and Finland has only 5.2 million people there? Well Switzerland even has 7.5...that's about the amount of London ;)

Oh so cool reading all this...wish I could take my backpack and just leave....
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 8:05 AM Quote
Nell wrote:

Oh Coool...

I once lived in Munich - my family still does...(and I do know that kind of "national sports..." creepy though.....

Do you know Allach? and Ottobrunn and Mittlerer Ring...somwhere there they all are living....

and Finland has only 5.2 million people there? Well Switzerland even has 7.5...that's about the amount of London ;)

Oh so cool reading all this...wish I could take my backpack and just leave....

Familiar place names :^)

We lived in Großhesselohe and spent a lot of time in that area, Grünwald, Solln etc.and of course in the center.

I've visited Switzerland several times and like it very much. I wouldn't mind living there, in Zürich or Luzern, perhaps.
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Lizzie b
Posts: 176
Lizzie b Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:23 AM Quote
I am so jealous of all of you who live in Europe! It is sooo much easier to travel than in the States. I am only in the UK for a short time, so I am cramming it all in as much as I can, but I will barely see any of the places I want to.
Re: Where R U from? (Countries, Cities, Stories)
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:30 AM Quote
Lizzie b wrote:
I am so jealous of all of you who live in Europe! It is sooo much easier to travel than in the States. I am only in the UK for a short time, so I am cramming it all in as much as I can, but I will barely see any of the places I want to.

It's probably not easier for us to travel, it's just easier to travel to other countries :o)

I have to say though that I'm quite happy to have grown up in a small country near a border. That way I've been forced to learn foreign languages and to understand other cultures.
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