
Ringo has had ENOUGH!
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 15 Oct, 2008 8:11 PM Quote

Peace & Love, Peace & Love
No More Fan Mail

I can understand that fan mail and autographs probably got old 40 years ago, but I never heard of a celebrity telling people not to send them mail. Really, how many people sit down and write Ringo these days? Are greedy people busy trying to get autographs while they still can? You'd think he'd still enjoy regular letters.

Do you think he was in front of the big magnifying glass when he recorded this?

P.S. Peace & Love, Peace & Love
P.P.S. The video response to this is pretty funny.
Re: Ringo has had ENOUGH!
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 15 Oct, 2008 8:16 PM Quote
hahaha, i heard about this on the weekend.
Made me laugh

"Oh no! people love me and send me fan mail! I cant deal!"

Also, the magnifying glass thing just made me howl bc i just watched that again last night.
"these are made from George Harrison's sleeping bags."
"he must have been very long"

And as for who still sends him fan letters...Marge Simpson.
Re: Ringo has had ENOUGH!
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 15 Oct, 2008 8:23 PM Quote
I can see where maybe he's just getting old and he doesn't want to deal with it, but I wouldn't think he'd get gargantuan amounts of fan mail anymore. I haven't written him in years. ;o) But it is kinda harsh to tell people you're going to throw their letters into the trash. Even if you warn them with Peace & Love, Peace & Love.

I like George the best, I think. Peace & Love, Peace & Love.
Re: Ringo has had ENOUGH!
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 15 Oct, 2008 8:28 PM Quote
i agree. Dont tell people you are going to throw them out!
Just dont answer, like a normal celebrity! And doesnt he have "people" to handel this kind of thing? Surely he can afford a fanmail opener person (that is what their business card would say)

George died on my birthday :(
Re: Ringo has had ENOUGH!
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 2:45 AM Quote
Ringo is coming across as a bit of a tit these days
Re: Ringo has had ENOUGH!
Posts: 303
Delia24Oct07 Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 9:52 AM Quote
Oh no, he's getting old.

My dear Mr Richard Starkey, if you happen to read this (I don't think so because you are very busy at the moment as you told): Remember the old days when you were one of the two best drummers of Liverpool, when you started to play small gigs and were proud of yourself, when you could give autographs... Just remember that and then think about it again. ;)

I personally find it sad. :(
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