
Any thoughts on the new site?
Sara Anna
Posts: 36
Sara Anna Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 11:04 AM Quote
So it's a couple of weeks now since the new site and board was launched.
Not wanting to offend TWT here as they've probably worked very hard on this site but just interested to see what people now think.

Does the new site seem a bit basic to you or is that the idea now they have a Myspace though personally I think the official site is beter than myspace. Maybe they just wanted to simplify this site but it seems to have lost some personalty. Shame they took away the preview section, lyrics and chords, the videos, the chatroom and most if not all of the bands history and track notes, unless i'm looking in the wrong place in which I apologise and someone show me where it is as I cann't find them!

TWT, any plans to re-introduce these or other sections at a later stage?

The personal profiles and private messages are a nice touch but I feel the community spirit has been lost in the set up and segregation of this new board which isn't as user friendly as the last one, in my honest opinion. Noticed most people seem to spend time in general chat.
So do you love it, hate it, not bothered, have any ideas for improvement, what do you think, any thoughts?

Sarah the Soapbox xx

Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Posts: 559
Harmony1206 Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 11:10 AM Quote
I like the new board, even tho I miss the old one. But I won't get anything out on it by moaning about it. :-) A change was needed, and it might take some time for some ppl to get used to how it looks now. Ah well...
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Posts: 758
ayana Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 11:47 AM Quote
I like the look of this one. And the profile pages are nice.
But I miss the old board. We can't really have conversations like we used to on this one with the flat view and all the quotations.
The two different areas are not that bad finally (when I see the number of same posts that appeared in the Travis section since the Paris gig :s).
For the site, I must admit I haven't really checked it out. Nice look but like you said it's a shame a lot of stuff are missing.
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
baby faced woman
Posts: 271
baby faced woman Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:25 PM Quote
I like both new MSB and old MSB !! :)
Travis MSB is the best. Muse official site's MSB is not
good and radiohead's official sit's MSB is often boring! :(
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:42 PM Quote
I really like it. It is a shame to have lost some of the stuff from the old site, but new features more than make up for it. I really like the galleries section, from all the different albums. Think that's really interesting (it's in 'BAND', if anyone is confused).

I like the fact that it's basic. I think it's actually more user friendly cos of that. And i like the re-introduction of bumping posts to the top. I missed that when they changed the old board.

All in all, a good job TWT :)
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:48 PM Quote
Sarah, once you're used to it, it's great, and definitely a change for the better!

And I agree with Paul, the "float to top" is invaluable :)

It only feels strange cos it's new, but the atmosphere is created by the users, and as far as I can tell nothing's changed. :)

Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 12:53 PM Quote
Nah, i don't see a change in the atmosphere either. And i've been posting pretty much equally (depending on interesting topics) on each board. Maybe it's just a novelty thing and everyone's still settling in :)
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 1:11 PM Quote
The site itself, I really like. It definitely needed updating so I'm glad it has. Like you say the chat, lyrics/chords etc sections have gone and that's a bit disappointing, but I can live without for now. I'm hoping maybe TWT will add some new features to the site as it goes along - no need for this to be the end of the line.

The messageboard itself...well, technically it's more sophisticated and glossy which is nice. But, like people say, the community feel doesn't quite seem the same any more. The ‘board also feels more claustrophobic to me now. For me, I think it's the flat view thing...I prefer the thread view. The flat view caves you in. It’s like delving into a long dark tunnel with only one direction to go. In the thread view you could pick and choose which posts to read, and it all felt much more organised.

I don't mind the two sections too much. It kinda makes browsing the messageboard(s) more interesting. Besides, if all the messages we have at the moment were on one section, it'd get a bit chaotic and some unseen messages could slide to the bottom too quickly.

I miss not having signatures. They were sometimes a pain on the old board when folk inserted loads of huge resolution pictures, but I’m sure that could easily be restricted. Some forums I see allow users to have one 200 by 800 pixels image, so it’s just like a strip along the bottom. I think it looks cool. And I like getting creative with siggys, but avatars aren’t the same, even though I like them in their own right. Why can’t we have both?

But anyhoo. I think the new site and messageboard are good platforms to be expanded upon, and I can see a lot of work has gone into the site. We’ve never really had a change this radical before so I guess it’s bound to throw people at first. But just sort out the bugs TWT, and then I’ll be content. Oh, and the smilies! lol
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 3:01 PM Quote
The chatroom hasnt worked for years.So they really didnt take away anything.
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 3:47 PM Quote
Hi all,
I actually like this msgboard better. It is easier to manage and the float to the top system is working really well for me. I like the profiles and the PM give you the opportunity to talk without spamming existing treads.
This is the one for me.
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Sara Anna
Posts: 36
Sara Anna Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 5:51 PM Quote
Typing to Reach You wrote:
The site itself, I really like. It definitely needed updating so I'm glad it has. Like you say the chat, lyrics/chords etc sections have gone and that's a bit disappointing, but I can live without for now. I'm hoping maybe TWT will add some new features to the site as it goes along - no need for this to be the end of the line.

The messageboard itself...well, technically it's more sophisticated and glossy which is nice. But, like people say, the community feel doesn't quite seem the same any more. The ‘board also feels more claustrophobic to me now. For me, I think it's the flat view thing...I prefer the thread view. The flat view caves you in. It’s like delving into a long dark tunnel with only one direction to go. In the thread view you could pick and choose which posts to read, and it all felt much more organised.

I don't mind the two sections too much. It kinda makes browsing the messageboard(s) more interesting. Besides, if all the messages we have at the moment were on one section, it'd get a bit chaotic and some unseen messages could slide to the bottom too quickly.

I miss not having signatures. They were sometimes a pain on the old board when folk inserted loads of huge resolution pictures, but I’m sure that could easily be restricted. Some forums I see allow users to have one 200 by 800 pixels image, so it’s just like a strip along the bottom. I think it looks cool. And I like getting creative with siggys, but avatars aren’t the same, even though I like them in their own right. Why can’t we have both?

But anyhoo. I think the new site and messageboard are good platforms to be expanded upon, and I can see a lot of work has gone into the site. We’ve never really had a change this radical before so I guess it’s bound to throw people at first. But just sort out the bugs TWT, and then I’ll be content. Oh, and the smilies! lol

I agree, it is claustrophobic, too glossy and in your face, I also prefered the threaded view and the signature rather than the avatar but that's just personal preference, sorry TWT, guess you cann't please everyone.
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Sun 10 Jun, 2007 10:06 PM Quote
Dont think they could please you if it had gold thread trickling through your computer screen......
Re: Any thoughts on the new site?
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Mon 11 Jun, 2007 11:24 AM Quote
Sara Anna wrote:
Typing to Reach You wrote:
The site itself, I really like. It definitely needed updating so I'm glad it has. Like you say the chat, lyrics/chords etc sections have gone and that's a bit disappointing, but I can live without for now. I'm hoping maybe TWT will add some new features to the site as it goes along - no need for this to be the end of the line.

The messageboard itself...well, technically it's more sophisticated and glossy which is nice. But, like people say, the community feel doesn't quite seem the same any more. The ‘board also feels more claustrophobic to me now. For me, I think it's the flat view thing...I prefer the thread view. The flat view caves you in. It’s like delving into a long dark tunnel with only one direction to go. In the thread view you could pick and choose which posts to read, and it all felt much more organised.

I don't mind the two sections too much. It kinda makes browsing the messageboard(s) more interesting. Besides, if all the messages we have at the moment were on one section, it'd get a bit chaotic and some unseen messages could slide to the bottom too quickly.

I miss not having signatures. They were sometimes a pain on the old board when folk inserted loads of huge resolution pictures, but I’m sure that could easily be restricted. Some forums I see allow users to have one 200 by 800 pixels image, so it’s just like a strip along the bottom. I think it looks cool. And I like getting creative with siggys, but avatars aren’t the same, even though I like them in their own right. Why can’t we have both?

But anyhoo. I think the new site and messageboard are good platforms to be expanded upon, and I can see a lot of work has gone into the site. We’ve never really had a change this radical before so I guess it’s bound to throw people at first. But just sort out the bugs TWT, and then I’ll be content. Oh, and the smilies! lol

I agree, it is claustrophobic, too glossy and in your face, I also prefered the threaded view and the signature rather than the avatar but that's just personal preference, sorry TWT, guess you cann't please everyone.

I got used to it but must say I don't like it. you don't get an overview of what has been posted generally. It's like a chest of drawers with all the drawers shut and you need to pull each one open to see if there is anything that interests you .... nah I don't feel at home here just yet... hope that feeling goes

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