
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 17 Sep, 2008 4:24 AM Quote
Fashion week was last week. Joe, Suede, Korto, Kenley, Jerell, and Leanne all showed. Suede's stuff was HORRIBLE! Leanne's was simply divine. Here's all of their collections

Fashion Week
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 17 Sep, 2008 4:40 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
Fashion week was last week. Joe, Suede, Korto, Kenley, Jerell, and Leanne all showed. Suede's stuff was HORRIBLE! Kenley's was simply divine. Here's all of their collections

Fashion Week

OMG! Suede's stuff looks like he took half of it from the Dress Barn and the other half from a five-year-old's costume box. It's AWFUL! And Joe's is pretty damn ugly too, lol.

I LUV Kenley's! And Jerell's collection is also really interesting. The others are just OK.

Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Wed 17 Sep, 2008 4:48 AM Quote
Aww I liked Joes. My picks for top 3 are: Kenley, Joe, and Korto.
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 17 Sep, 2008 4:52 AM Quote
I meant to say Leanne in that first post. Her's was gorgeous. I can't stand Kenley anymore. I wish her sorry ass went home last week. She should have too..
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 17 Sep, 2008 5:30 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
I meant to say Leanne in that first post. Her's was gorgeous. I can't stand Kenley anymore. I wish her sorry ass went home last week. She should have too..

Really? I like Kenley's! It's whimsical. I'm just going off the clothes...I haven't watched at all this season, so I don't know what they're like. Leanne's is also pretty.
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 17 Sep, 2008 6:00 AM Quote
Kenley has an attitude on the runway. Whenever someone tries to critique her work, she gets ultra, ultra defensive and says some crap like, "well this was my vision." Leanne is soooo much better. She's done well for a lot of the competition.
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Wed 17 Sep, 2008 6:05 AM Quote
I liked Leanne all season, but I wasn't that fond of her runway. I thought Joe's was very wearable.
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 17 Sep, 2008 10:23 PM Quote
I saw these pics a few days ago but kept forgetting to post. Shows how much less I care this year vs. previous years.

Suede's - a nightmare. What odd color choices.

Joe's - some things I thought were meh but lots of it was cute and yes, wearable. However I don't know if it was high fashion enough.

Kinley's - I liked two of her dresses but the rest was ugly. And yes her attitude is really not helping.

[edit: sorry, posted before I meant to]
Leeann - really like her style. nice colors, very cohesive collection, looked really well made. Her structured style is so interesting to me.

Koto - (too lazy to look up how to spell her name) I really liked her collection too.

Jerrel- some of his things I liked and some were a bit too funky for my taste but it probably appeals to some people. Personality wise he cracks me up.
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Thu 18 Sep, 2008 6:19 AM Quote
Ugh so Kenley made fun of and laughed at someone on the runway for the second time today. You're right Lauren-she has a horrible attitude. I'm changing my top 3 to: Leanne, Jerrel, and Korto.
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 18 Sep, 2008 6:31 AM Quote
lindsey22295 wrote:
Ugh so Kenley made fun of and laughed at someone on the runway for the second time today. You're right Lauren-she has a horrible attitude. I'm changing my top 3 to: Leanne, Jerrel, and Korto.


I totally missed it!

I can't believe I missed!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 18 Sep, 2008 9:03 AM Quote
lindsey22295 wrote:
Ugh so Kenley made fun of and laughed at someone on the runway for the second time today. You're right Lauren-she has a horrible attitude. I'm changing my top 3 to: Leanne, Jerrel, and Korto.

Ugh, okay watched it. I had to wait until 2 am to catch the replay! I cannot stand Kenley anymore, I freaking hate her! If she does one more print dress I'm going to freak. She's such a snob! Did you see her face when Jerrell won? ugh I hated the thing she made with the vest and what not... okay I'm done venting.
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 22 Sep, 2008 3:47 PM Quote
I finally watched last night. Couldn't believe Kinley laughed on the runway again. She is so rude.

Her dress was cute but the vest was so ugly. I didn't get why they all liked it.

So glad Jerrel won.

Suede certainly is going next. I hope Kinley gets the boot after him so she doesn't make the top three.
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Thu 25 Sep, 2008 6:26 AM Quote
I'm convinced that the show is rigged and Kinley is just being kept on for the drama because in no stretch of the imagination was her outfit even remotely hip hop.
I liked the idea of designing for the other designers, but throwing in that music genre theme was LAME.
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 25 Sep, 2008 6:29 AM Quote
lindsey22295 wrote:
I'm convinced that the show is rigged and Kinley is just being kept on for the drama because in no stretch of the imagination was her outfit even remotely hip hop.
I liked the idea of designing for the other designers, but throwing in that music genre theme was LAME.

Ugh I wanted her to go home. But I was glad Suede went home, honestly. I could have been happy with either of them saying goodbye. I hate how she was blaming Leanne for her look not being Hip hop enough. Next episode looks drama filled. Lots of crying...
Re: Project Runway!
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Thu 25 Sep, 2008 2:46 PM Quote
I loved when she is being all defensive to LL Cool J. Because the only hip hop option is baggy pants and therefore any criticism of her outfit can't possibly be true.

I didn't care much for Suede as a designer and his third party references were crazy annoying but he still seemed like a sweet person.

His punk make up was pretty hilarious but it was kind of sad when he's having to kiss Heidi while looking like a drag queen.

I was hoping Kinley would go because I thought her outfit was worse. Not only was it not hip hop but the pants weren't well made.

I'm excited to see next week's drama with the missing bag. I hope she doesn't get sympathy votes because of her hardship.

That girl needs to dial back her ego big time.
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