
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 315
nickynooboo Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 8:16 AM Quote
Ahhhhh pants, wish it was me!!

Who is it????????
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 1:34 PM Quote
Hello from Chicago!

So, here we sit at 8:21am, why we are up, I have no idea, but we have been for an hour. Despite our WILD and CRAZY night out and the fact that we went to bed at like 3:30.
So, guess what we did last night? TRAVIS KARAOKE!! That is right. The bar had 5 song and we did Turn. It has been recorded. You may or may not see that.
So, special guest. Are you dying to know?

It's Andrew monkey!!!!!!

P.S. No one has been stabbed. Yet.

Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 315
nickynooboo Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 1:39 PM Quote
Yayyyyyyy, I have been waiting all morning for an update!!!

Glad to hear that you are all safe and sound and had a WILD and CRAZY night partaking in Travis Karaoke. Also glad to hear that no-one has been stabbed ****YET****:)

I can't wait to hear all about tonights gig. I REALLY hope that there is a special message for you all! Fingers crossed xxx
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 1:40 PM Quote
and of the infamous Journey KARAOKE ? no videos = it didn't happen

that means kristy wins a octomom ?
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 2:04 PM Quote
Aaah so it was Monkey who swung across the Atlantic! What about you dirty stop-outs, 3am!!!!!! Shouldn't you be resting and saving all your energy for tonight's pogo???
Oh and by the way, you HAVE to let us see the Karaoke vids (how can you tell us about it and then not share!!!) - that's just mean :-P
Anyway, glad to hear that you're all still safe and there's been no misadventures, LOL and can't wait to hear all about your exploits at the gig!
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 2:26 PM Quote
sorry we forgot to say that the karoke place did not have Dont Stop!!!! There was much devastation and gnashing of teeth over this. VERY sad.
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 2:31 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
sorry we forgot to say that the karoke place did not have Dont Stop!!!! There was much devastation and gnashing of teeth over this. VERY sad.

I'm really crying because this did not happen . But really what kind of low life bar doesn't have any Journey ? Boston ? Night Ranger ?
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 2:53 PM Quote
nickynooboo wrote:
Yayyyyyyy, I have been waiting all morning for an update!!!

Glad to hear that you are all safe and sound and had a WILD and CRAZY night partaking in Travis Karaoke. Also glad to hear that no-one has been stabbed :)

I can't wait to hear all about tonights gig. I REALLY hope that there is a special message for you all! Fingers crossed xxx

Just wanted to point out we said no one has been stabbed YET.

Ric I was so distressed by the DSB news that I didn't ask about any other Journey songs. ( I was just asking the DJ not looking in a book.)
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 2:55 PM Quote
nickynooboo wrote:
Yayyyyyyy, I have been waiting all morning for an update!!!

Glad to hear that you are all safe and sound and had a WILD and CRAZY night partaking in Travis Karaoke. Also glad to hear that no-one has been stabbed :)

I can't wait to hear all about tonights gig. I REALLY hope that there is a special message for you all! Fingers crossed xxx

Just wanted to point out we said no one has been stabbed YET.

Ric I was so distressed by the DSB news that I didn't ask about any other Journey songs. ( I was just asking the DJ not looking in a book.)
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 315
nickynooboo Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 2:57 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
nickynooboo wrote:
Yayyyyyyy, I have been waiting all morning for an update!!!

Glad to hear that you are all safe and sound and had a WILD and CRAZY night partaking in Travis Karaoke. Also glad to hear that no-one has been stabbed :)

I can't wait to hear all about tonights gig. I REALLY hope that there is a special message for you all! Fingers crossed xxx

Just wanted to point out we said no one has been stabbed YET.

Ric I was so distressed by the DSB news that I didn't ask about any other Journey songs. ( I was just asking the DJ not looking in a book.)

Hahahahaha, ok I shall change my posting to reflect this.

I take it that the knives are just hidden somewhere then? Was hoping that you may have all left them at home!!!
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 3:02 PM Quote
Hi Anne
Can you do me a favour please if possible?? If you get a chance to meet the guys before or after the gig tonite, can you try and find out if they've got any more festival dates lined up for this summer? I know a lot of people in the UK are hoping they'll announce a date there but nothing as yet has come through. If they're only doing the dates in Switzerland etc, then I might have to go there instead. Thanks and have a fantastic time tonight - looks like you're in very good company :-)
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 315
nickynooboo Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 3:12 PM Quote
deebee wrote:
Hi Anne
Can you do me a favour please if possible?? If you get a chance to meet the guys before or after the gig tonite, can you try and find out if they've got any more festival dates lined up for this summer? I know a lot of people in the UK are hoping they'll announce a date there but nothing as yet has come through. If they're only doing the dates in Switzerland etc, then I might have to go there instead. Thanks and have a fantastic time tonight - looks like you're in very good company :-)

Good idea!! Yeah, tell them we are all waiting to hear :)
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 3:25 PM Quote
Here's another wee pic from Anne :)

Sorry I only got to post it now.....look at those HAPPY boardies and that's before they see Travis!!! haha
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 3:33 PM Quote
Sorry I can't seem to make it any bigger, grrr! I'm sure Kristy and tha gals will be able to load up loads more pics soon! I can't wait!!!

I hope Andrew is safe with you CRAZY

Have a brill time tonight!!!!!
Re: ABC: American Boardie Convention
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Sat 18 Apr, 2009 3:35 PM Quote

Ric I was so distressed by the DSB news that I didn't ask about any other Journey songs. ( I was just asking the DJ not looking in a book.) [/quote

Hang the DJ Hang the DJ Hang the DJ
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