
Re: Targets for 2011
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Sat 31 Dec, 2011 1:45 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
1. Move to London. Survive in London.
2. Never get drunk.
3. Learn another language.
4. Get fitter.
5. Read at least 20 books throughout the year.

1. Ummm. I moved. I am alive. I couldn't stay after 9 months. Pass?
2. I would say B? Seriously tipsy maybe 2 times plus okay, once maybe more than tipsy, but come on, it was Halloween. In Shoreditch/Camden. Still, awesome improvement since the boozefest of 2009 and 2010.
3. Major FAIL.
4. I've never been in a worse shape so... epic FAIL.
5. Distinction! 35, people. 35. Clearly, I have no life.

Conclusion: I suck. Are we doing this again this year?
Re: Targets for 2011
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Sat 31 Dec, 2011 2:22 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
megg_inc wrote:
1. Move to London. Survive in London.
2. Never get drunk.
3. Learn another language.
4. Get fitter.
5. Read at least 20 books throughout the year.

1. Ummm. I moved. I am alive. I couldn't stay after 9 months. Pass?
2. I would say B? Seriously tipsy maybe 2 times plus okay, once maybe more than tipsy, but come on, it was Halloween. In Shoreditch/Camden. Still, awesome improvement since the boozefest of 2009 and 2010.
3. Major FAIL.
4. I've never been in a worse shape so... epic FAIL.
5. Distinction! 35, people. 35. Clearly, I have no life.

Conclusion: I suck. Are we doing this again this year?

Megg, look at it this way...
1) you moved to London and survived for 9 whole months!!
2) all parties in London don't count. It's London, after all and who doesn't drink in this city??
3) you already speak at least two languages which is one more than most people.
4) you're young and have the rest of your life to get fit so you don't have to start just yet. Next year maybe.....
5) you've read 34 books more than I have this year!!!
Re: Targets for 2011
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Sat 31 Dec, 2011 3:39 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:

1. See a friend once a month.
2. Drink more water, less chocolate milk. (I'm as addicted to chocolate milk as anyone could be. I even make my own chocolate syrup.)
3. Write a book and send it to a publisher.
4. Stop comparing myself unfavorably to others and stop worrying about what they think of me.
5. The last one is kind of personal, but I'll remember it until we dig up the thread next year.

I'll be turning the big 4-0 this year...eeeeek!

1. Fail. But I did have an open house on my birthday and saw lots of friends at one time, and I got together with some of them again during the year.
2. Pass. Still drink chocolate milk, but I've cut way back.
3. Fail. I had a great idea, then I found out someone had already written a book nearly identical to what I had in mind and even better, so I didn't write anything at all.
4. Pass I guess? Or at least I've made progress. It's very difficult and I'm still working on it. This was the goal that I was conscious of EVERY DAY this year. When I'd start envying someone else for whatever reason and feeling like I'm less, I would actually yell in my head STOP IT! That may make me sound like a psycho, but it did break the negative thoughts.
5. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't remember what my oh-so personal goal was! Ha ha!

Re: Targets for 2011
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sat 31 Dec, 2011 6:40 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:

5. The last one is kind of personal, but I'll remember it until we dig up the thread next year.

5. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't remember what my oh-so personal goal was! Ha ha!

this is my favourite.
I think everyone did awesome this year, whether you made your 5 or not. Keep on truckin in 2012. As long as the world doesn't come to an end, I say we are doing just fine (unless you murder someone. That isn't cool. Don't do that).
Re: Targets for 2011
Posts: 504
thewishlist Posted Sat 31 Dec, 2011 7:42 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:

5. Read at least 20 books throughout the year.
5. Distinction! 35, people. 35. Clearly, I have no life.

I should've had this on my list, too. at least I would've succeeded with one goal then... started making my own list of books I read in 2011... so far, I've come up with 30 English language novels I read this year. And I know there were more, because I read German novels, too. And a few non-fiction books. And those are only the ones I read "for the first time"... I re-read lots of stuff, too...

sigh. I really really need a life. we both do, Gosia.

P.S.: though my list is nothing compared to my mother's... she reads 1 book a week (she's working, too, btw...)...
Re: Targets for 2011
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Sun 01 Jan, 2012 2:48 AM Quote
hennypenny wrote:
1. Keep up with my plan I started last February about eating better/excercise more to reach my goal
2. Get married
3. Read all Jane Austen's novels
4. Learn how to use a sewing machine
5. Save up enough money for a trip to the UK

1.Pass! I haven't lost much more this year but I'm more toned. I'm still eating good, although I think I made up for it in all the cookies I've eaten in the past two weeks :/
2.Fail. I mean, I'm stiil engaged. Just not married yet.

I need to make better resolutions. Yikes!
Re: Targets for 2011
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Mon 02 Jan, 2012 9:29 PM Quote
Are we doing this for 2012? I actually have stuff!
Re: Targets for 2011
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 02 Jan, 2012 9:35 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Are we doing this for 2012? I actually have stuff!

Good for you, go for it, feel free to start a new thread, people can add their own stuff and you/we can dig it up in a years time to see how we've all done.

Re: Targets for 2011
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Tue 03 Jan, 2012 1:26 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
1. get in better shape
2. eliminate our credit card debt and car payment (or come really darn close)
3. achieve better balance at being a good mom, wife, and still being good to myself
4. hug Ewan McGregor
5. travel more

Holy smokes! I achieved all of those except number 4. Though I think number three (and one) will always be works in progress. But clear improvement so I'll give myself credit.
Re: Targets for 2011
Posts: 1184
Edel Posted Tue 03 Jan, 2012 4:47 PM Quote
Edel wrote:
Well done Anne. Within the past year I managed to lose 6 kgs and gain them again. So better get working on that again, just need to find the motivation so

1. Lose weight
2. quit smoking
3. do something with this shambles of an appartment
4. try to survive without losing my sanity to 3 teenagers
5. have a job as a psychologist- preferably child psyc.

Major FAIL. Seen as I'm ancient and time goes faster the older you are, I think I should get 3 years for these, non? 1 & 4 slightly achieved cos Im not in an assylum yet but still unbalanced, yoyo weight, yoyo mind. And now I need to get some job applications written!
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