Posts: 4822 |
TheBoyWithAName Posted Mon 29 Jun, 2009 1:15 PM |
strongbow1 wrote:
Michael Jackson was a famous celebrity that most people can relate to in some way, only fair that his death gets more attention.
So how do you relate to him?
I can relate to his music and that he's been a major part of the celebrity-world for the last decades.
strongbow1 wrote:
You don't have to love him, but you can still show respect to a dead guys relatives.
Do you honestly think typing about his death @ Travis online is showing respect to a dead persons relatives?
Yeah I do, I don't think it matters weather they actually see it or not. I can be respectful or disrespectful with or without anybody's knowledge.
strongbow1 wrote:
Are you going to show the same amount of respect when Gary Glitter dies?
Are you comparing Michael Jackson with him? As far as I know Michael Jackson hasn't been convicted.
One Who is Without Sin may Cast the First Stone |

Posts: 4822 |
TheBoyWithAName Posted Mon 29 Jun, 2009 1:18 PM |
Double-post. |

Posts: 1450 |
Nell Posted Mon 29 Jun, 2009 5:06 PM |
As someone already said...
I think MJ's death has such an impact on us (the world) because everyone had one kind of an relation to him -whether he liked his music or not. He was a very present man in the music - and world business. You couldn't get through the past 20 years without noticing him in one way. Everyone had an image of him in his head- whether it was a right one or not doesn't matter - but that image was a constant in our lifes - so ppl are coping with losing that image rather than "just" with a death of a normal guy. After all, his music brought ppl all over the wolrd together..kinda like Travis :p ..and he talked about races etc.
I was just finishing my final exam - when I found out about this - didn't believe it first...I actually don't like most of his songs...but I got like 5-6 of them, which I totally love :)
Same was with Diana - with all the work she did for ppl, and with what she was going through she was very near to the "normal" folk - everyone could identify with her in one way or another- so another constant in our life disappeared -
I was skipping school that day and watched it all on TV! Cried like a baby!
I was in school when I found out about 9/11 - we all watched in on tv - live - ... same with Columbia burning or Challenger explotion..
same with George Harrison...
Kurt Cobain I actually didn't really care - but my sister did...
John Lennon - my father was shocked...
About that children-thing.... I don't know if he's guilty - I followed all those things....he gave an interview about all those probs he had like a few days before Lady Di died...Personally I don't think he is guilty - I think in privat life he was rather shy - and had - because of his past - a strange relation to sex - and to children - since he himself was never really allowed to be one.
As for the cause of death:
The toxicology report says he took: demerol, xanax, dilaudid, vicodin, zoloft,paxil and prilosec ....that cocktail would have killed 3 grown men...the demerol was injcted by his priv. physician...but still don't think it was a suicide - since this is not the first time something like that had happened to him...
pooor Michael...
I'll miss him ;) as my image in my head...

Posts: 4822 |
TheBoyWithAName Posted Mon 29 Jun, 2009 6:04 PM |
The newspapers here are saying that he's not father of his childrens now, anyone else heard this? |

Posts: 1450 |
Nell Posted Mon 29 Jun, 2009 6:14 PM |
Alex: I thought so - since all of his children are very "white" ....which is possible to happen - but certainly not to all children.
Normally the "darker"- gene is stronger, than the white one - it's dominant - as far as I know - but well...
found this: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2505693/The-shock-findings-of-the-Michael-Jackson-autopsy.html |

Posts: 302 |
TheInvisibleBoy Posted Tue 30 Jun, 2009 6:15 PM |
Very sad news, I never believed Michael Jackson was guilty of those charges brought against him as I think how can a man with such a good heart be like that, I always believed that he was a genuinely nice person who lived his childhood as an adult and due to not having a childhood of his own he liked to help/give children have the best childhoods and childhood memories they could have. I think all the talk about this is in bad taste to be honest but all of this is just my opinion. And I think he is a legend and always will be.
I'll always remember getting the news. I've been away in Thailand for about 2-3 weeks and have been looking at the news quite often to try to keep up to date with the football transfer news, being a Man City fan it's been more exciting for me than usual. But the morning that was on for some reason I decided not to turn on the news. My mum rang to say that we'd be going down for breakfast soon and we had half an hour to get ready, so I decided to read a few pages of my brother's book that he was reading to see if it was any good then a few minutes later my mum rang and told me Michael Jackson was dead which I didn't know how to react, I kinda went "Oh, right, really, erm...how?" then she told me and I just turned the news on and sat watching it in shock.
I remember the time Diana died too, I was only at primary school, I went downstairs to get ready for mass I think and my Dad was sat there infront of the TV and said Princess Diana is dead there was a car crash and I didn't really take as much notice as I would have now, with being so young at the time. I remember we had been around London for a little holiday break a few weeks before and when the funeral was on TV we were looking at all of the different places we'd been to as they passed. |

Posts: 90 |
strongbow1 Posted Sun 12 Jul, 2009 4:08 AM |
Maybe he didn't get convicted so does this mean people who are not convicted are innocent? He paid his way out of it. What was he doing with Chandler how much did he pay to get off that one? So he was acquitted that means nothing. And yes i would say Jackson and Glitter both have a thing in common. The only difference is Jackson walked free!! Sleeping in a bed with 13 kids that wasn't his. Im not saying he touched em sexually but thats a degree of paedophilia. Come on if your neighbour slept with 13 kids who was unknown to him/her how would you react. Or wouldnt that matter to you?? Oh it just happens to be ok because its Jackson. I still say he is guilty. |

Posts: 90 |
strongbow1 Posted Sun 12 Jul, 2009 4:25 AM |
Oh and hang on he admitted to sleeping naked with these 13 children and he also admitted to offering some of these children alcohol and calling it jesus juice. So picture it a adult man sleeping naked with 13 children. 13 children that wasn't his and you have doubts has to why i think he was a kiddy fiddler. Glitter was caught with child porn on his computer and was arrested charged and found guilty. Pete Townsend being another but he got away with it like Jackson. |