
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:02 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
Turtleneck wrote:
Like barf out, gag me with a spoon!

What does "gag me with a spoon" mean?

It just means something is so gross that you could put a spoon down your throat and gag yourself.
It's from this song, Valley Girl by Moon Zappa. It was an 80's thing. This makes me feel old.

Re: FAO Juli
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:16 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
Turtleneck wrote:
Like barf out, gag me with a spoon!

What does "gag me with a spoon" mean?

It just means something is so gross that you could put a spoon down your throat and gag yourself.
It's from this song, Valley Girl by Moon Zappa. It was an 80's thing. This makes me feel old.

Oh, I see! Thanks! Too many "likes" for me xD.
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:25 PM Quote
pretty sure Goosey drops , "like " every two to three words
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:35 PM Quote
ricv64 wrote:
pretty sure Goosey drops , "like " every two to three words

that is like so unfair!

edit: i don't think i talk all "valley" but i'm sure it may sound that way to "outsiders" haha
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:37 PM Quote
lol look peeps i only copy and paste the word of the day from merriam-webster online! stop hatin' ric!!
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:40 PM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
lol look peeps i only copy and paste the word of the day from merriam-webster online! stop hatin' ric!!

Ric's a hater, 'cause he hasn't found his 'inner hippie' yet. Like totally. haha
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:41 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
Oh, I see! Thanks! Too many "likes" for me xD.

I watched a documentary on English in the US (I think it was on "Do You Speak American?" but I'm not positive. I've seen a few programs on it. Word nerd.) and they came up with a term for that. It's called, "Like speak." It is gaining in popularity now, spreading to non-native English speakers in other countries. Along with another annoying habit of some Americans--"up speak." It's like, raising your voice at the end of every sentence? Like everything you say is a question? It gets really irritating? Ya know? It's like, people haven't been to school ever?
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 1431
heyjude Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:42 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
Ric's a hater, 'cause he hasn't found his 'inner hippie' yet. Like totally. haha

BINGO!!!! ha ha ha :-)
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:43 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
Oh, I see! Thanks! Too many "likes" for me xD.

I watched a documentary on English in the US (I think it was on "Do You Speak American?" but I'm not positive. I've seen a few programs on it. Word nerd.) and they came up with a term for that. It's called, "Like speak." It is gaining in popularity now, spreading to non-native English speakers in other countries. Along with another annoying habit of some Americans--"up speak." It's like, raising your voice at the end of every sentence? Like everything you say is a question? It gets really irritating? Ya know? It's like, people haven't been to school ever?

lol oh my god i totally understood this!
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:43 PM Quote
Jude drops " DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE " alot , Lindsey too . Good thing I can speak that .

Megg-inc you're on notice !
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 1431
heyjude Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:45 PM Quote
ricv64 wrote:
Jude drops " DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE " alot , Lindsey too . Good thing I can speak that .

Megg-inc you're on notice !


Megg, don't worry, we got yer back ;-)
Re: FAO Juli
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:49 PM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
Turtleneck wrote:
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
Oh, I see! Thanks! Too many "likes" for me xD.

I watched a documentary on English in the US (I think it was on "Do You Speak American?" but I'm not positive. I've seen a few programs on it. Word nerd.) and they came up with a term for that. It's called, "Like speak." It is gaining in popularity now, spreading to non-native English speakers in other countries. Along with another annoying habit of some Americans--"up speak." It's like, raising your voice at the end of every sentence? Like everything you say is a question? It gets really irritating? Ya know? It's like, people haven't been to school ever?

lol oh my god i totally understood this!

Me too. Every single person in those MTV shows talk like that. It's so annoying.
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:53 PM Quote
I'm writing a screen play , The Soma diaries

opening scene Deaf dog coffee houZe

Jude (motioning to the clerk )

" Yo dude ! Listen up dude I want like some room in my cup , like you know dude I want some cream in my coffee "

Clerk ( handing back 45 cent change )

"Dude , like rightous maZn "

Jude ( scanning street racks )

" Like duuuuuuude no East Bay Express , what the hell , I'll stab you in the face "

It ends with the Detroit She Devils ridding in and busting up the place . I'm hopping Dougies wife takes the part of Kayte
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:56 PM Quote
LOL. Good the writers strike is over.
Re: FAO Juli
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 11:57 PM Quote
I left out Megg in the corner playing peace the fuck out on the accordian
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