
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 625
Joe Posted Thu 07 Jun, 2007 5:01 PM Quote
There are advantages, yes.
But energy and tourism? To provide welth for an entire developped country? You must be joking.
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Thu 07 Jun, 2007 5:23 PM Quote
Who said they have to provide?
Contrinbute certainly - increase, certainly -
No one is suggesting these things will have to support us...we still do have all of our other many commodities.
For instance the mere fact that our taxes (local and social) are the same as in england, and yet we have NHS, and 'free' education - English people are only just managing to pay for the cheaper education here. We actually extend more invitations to the English because our education especially in University is so much better, and we get more money per English pupil. But being in the UNITED kingdom, unfortunately we have grounds to waiver half of the tuition fees - this will be interesting now that we aren't obliged to do so :D
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Thu 07 Jun, 2007 10:49 PM Quote
Made for an interesting debate anyways:D
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