
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Thu 30 Oct, 2008 5:34 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
Moray wrote:
I was thinking about Laurens, and you could be more expedient with completing your list if you combined "Sex in the Library" with "Kiss in the Rain" by pumping in the library and setting off the sprinkler system while you're there.

No, not the same. Sprinkler does not equal rain.

And if skinny dipping was one of yours (I don't think it is, but it's on mine) you could bring an inflatable pool to the library and then you could knock out three in one.
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 30 Oct, 2008 10:24 PM Quote
Some of mine:

*trek the Andes and see Machu Picchu
*go to more concerts
*have a baby
*learn photography and take more photos
*get my library masters degree
*become Manager in my work
*learn to drive and get my own car
*travel to Nepal/Tibet/Himalayas
*Go to Venice and ride a gondola
*eat pizza and pasta in Rome
*Road trip down the West/South coast of Ireland
*Go to a proper Christmas Market in Brussels (or anywhere in Europe like that)
*Ice-skate in Central Park/NY in Winter
*Visit New England in Autumn/Fall
*Own a pair of Louboutins :)
*See Sigur Ros in Concert, preferably in Iceland.
*Go to Iceland and soak in the natural spa
*Swim with Dolphins

That's all for now, will think of lots more no doubt!

I read this guys, very funny!!!

100 thing to do before you die
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Fri 31 Oct, 2008 4:05 PM Quote

*prove the existance of aliens
*invent something....don't know what but hey
*What's the opposite of mile high? mile low? yeah that in a Submarine
*meet some proper wiches and have a seance with them, for a laugh!
*be an assassin for a day.
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 10:28 PM Quote
oh! I want to bathe an elephant
and hold a koala
and pet a kangaroo
and hug a chimpanzee

and get a tattoo.
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Fri 21 Nov, 2008 6:21 AM Quote
I'm at EXACTLY 43 Things. Yippee!
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 14 Dec, 2008 7:28 PM Quote
I thought of a new one.
I want to do a polar bear dip.

Do these exist outside of Canada, or do i need to explain?
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Sun 14 Dec, 2008 8:03 PM Quote
You crazy, the milkbags would never survive.
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 14 Dec, 2008 8:08 PM Quote
oh the milkbags would be fine. They are resilient.

They are usually on new years day. I dont think im prepared for this year. Maybe next year.
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Sun 14 Dec, 2008 8:10 PM Quote
Over here they go running into the freezing cold sea in Bangor on boxing day.

Re: 43 Things
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 14 Dec, 2008 8:16 PM Quote
yup, same thing. Just Lake Ontario on New Years Day.
I will do it one day!
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Sun 14 Dec, 2008 9:33 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
yup, same thing. Just Lake Ontario on New Years Day.
I will do it one day!

At the beach near my home they have a special winter swimming place. There's an engine to keep the water open bubbling away under surface, a special jetty with a kind of carpet on it, lights, the works. The sea is not frozen yet, so it's a bit disappointing at the moment, but some die-hards swim there all year round. It's not for me, though!
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 19 Feb, 2009 11:56 PM Quote
Has anyone updated theirs lately, or made progress?

The Lips usually do festivals nowadays so... I dont' know how I'll accomplish #2
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Fri 20 Feb, 2009 12:38 AM Quote
well, Wendy, if you want to see a real Christmas Market, you'll have to come to Germany (or go to Austria).
And I realise I posted this like 4 months too late, but well...
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Fri 20 Feb, 2009 12:48 AM Quote
lilly wrote:
well, Wendy, if you want to see a real Christmas Market, you'll have to come to Germany (or go to Austria).
And I realise I posted this like 4 months too late, but well...

Haha... it's never too late!

Can you enlighten me? What's a Christmas Market?
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Fri 20 Feb, 2009 1:13 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
lilly wrote:
well, Wendy, if you want to see a real Christmas Market, you'll have to come to Germany (or go to Austria).
And I realise I posted this like 4 months too late, but well...

Haha... it's never too late!

Can you enlighten me? What's a Christmas Market?

Well the real name would be "Christkindlmarkt", but that's hard to pronounce even for some Germans ;)

Ok, so, Christmas Markets are street markets starting 4 weeks before Christmas & ending on Dec 24. You can buy arts&crafts stuff, (not so) traditional ornaments, christmas-y presents, and get lots and lots of food and mulled wine and candied toasted almonds (delicious!), Lebkuchen (like gingerbread, just better! ;D), and usually you are just flooded with this "now is Christmas" atmosphere and you buy stuff you didn't want and eat way too much, and you get dizzy from the music (oh yes, there's music), and then some child drinks their mother's mulled wine and gets sick on your coat and you go home. ;)

There should be some similar markets in the U.S. I'm pretty sure Chicago has one, I saw a documentary abour some German immigrants going there ;)

oh and they look like this these days:

[hey, YOU asked! ;)]
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