
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Wed 15 Oct, 2008 10:27 PM Quote
The Wind That Shakes the Barley is more about the struggle of everyday life under British Rule whereas Michael Collins gives more of an actual History to the whole thing. It is incredibly difficult to watch anything that is unbiased.

On the Scottish side of the mix try Just Another Saturday, it shows just how bigoted the whole Rangers/Celtic Catholic/Protestant thing can get.

Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 1006
Aletways Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 6:03 AM Quote
It is very interesting to read about both Irelands! I knew there are two, but I didn't know which one was which. Thank you for clarifying that for me!

Hehe, it was quite weird to read about me here! Like Ro and Juli said, my name is Alejandra, but everyone here calls me Ale. I'm Juli's twin sister and I'm the evil one =o).
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 4:21 PM Quote
Aletways wrote:
Hehe, it was quite weird to read about me here! Like Ro and Juli said, my name is Alejandra, but everyone here calls me Ale. I'm Juli's twin sister and I'm the evil one =o).

I feel less silly now that I know when people were calling you Ale isn't just a nickname of your screen name, it's also a nickname of your real name!
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 4:46 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Turtleneck wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Very Basically...

Ireland was once colonized by the British and became part of the Empire. There was an uprising and a fight for Irish Independence. Eventually the British government gave 26 of the 32 Counties back to the Irish, keeping 6 in the north(Ulster). The 26 became the Republican Free State of Ireland and the 6 in the north(Ulster) remained part of the United Kingdom (of Great Britian and Northern Ireland).

There are 3 different schools of thought regarding the north...
1. Some people wish to reamin British (Unionists)
2. Some people wish the remaining counties be returned to the Republic (Republicans)
3. Some people don't care either way or see the North as it's own place belonging to neither.

That is a very simplistic view but I hope it helps.


That helps very much. When did all this happen, approximately?

Oliver Cromwell annexed Ireland around 1650 and it was held by the Brits up until the Easter Rising in 1916.

There was trouble (bombings, executions, riots, etc.) in the North mainly in 60s-90s between Unionists (UDA,UVF) and the British Armed Forces on one side and the Republicans (IRA, etc) on the other.

Again that is a very simple view. I have been looking for a good book on the subject for a while but I can't seem to find one that is objective from a neutral point of view.


*edit* btw Darran, Peewee, fenchurch, Paul C, et al would probably be a lot more qualified to talk about this.

hmm, i'm not sure how i should take being referred to only in the " et al"....especially considering i actally have to teach kids about history...
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 4:47 PM Quote
double post....balls
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 5:47 PM Quote
dee wrote:

Phillies !
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 5:50 PM Quote
ricv64 wrote:
dee wrote:

Phillies !

hahaha. that was kinda funny, actually.
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 5:52 PM Quote
dee wrote:
hmm, i'm not sure how i should take being referred to only in the " et al"....especially considering i actally have to teach kids about history...

Ha ha! The "et al" person is probably the best source on the list... and is someone he knows personally.

That is pretty funny.
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 959
fenchurch Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 6:01 PM Quote
kiwi wrote:

Or 'The Wind That Shakes The Barley' probably biased too, kind of more about the people, and divisions within families etc...

My sister's ex-boyfriend is in that! And my brother was asked to be in it but he was too busy (lousy excuse in my opinion!). They're both in the RDF (Reserve Defence Force) and were wanted as extras who knew how to use guns and stuff.
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 8:47 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Peewee wrote:
But either is fine n dandy with me.

how very un-Darranish

I thought I would ask for clarification as to not accidently offend you either way. As i apperently did with someone else. But we have come to a truce!

Okay, Wendy is officially Northern Irish and not Irish.

Yep I don't tend to follow the whole you not Irish, your Not British, your Northern Irish thing. Yes I have a british passport. but I don't get my knickers is a twist if someone calls me Irish. I guess I am Northern Irish ;)

Btw Dubz puts it VERY well ;) (Good job mister)

The whole arguements regarding Ireland kinda piss me off....can't we all just live together and be happy and grow trees n shit?!?! lol

One more point I could make is that the British don't really want us and the Southerns don't really want us. While here in this little part of the world people are divided in wanting to be part of the GREATER Ireland as a whole or remain with the UK or just get on with it and be a little country all on our tod. It's like a massive tug of war! I listen to my friends who have all different opinions and kinda agree to an extent with each in their own right....but saying that, I think that one day it will all become one again and so be it...I don't really mind.

*Waiting for the attack I get, lol*
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 8:52 PM Quote
Maybe so but it will never happen in our lifetime.
Re: Stupid Boardie Question Amnesty Thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Thu 16 Oct, 2008 8:58 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
..can't we all just live together and be happy and grow trees n shit?!?! lol

Wouldnt that be nice? Let's write a song about it.
"Cant we all just live togetherrrrrrr. And Be happppppyyyy. And grow trees n shit???"

world wide hit!

Im sorry that no one wants you, Wendy! You seem delightful, lol.

Okay, i swear that i have no been drinking. Although I kinda feel like I have.

edit: after i wrote that, i proceded to hit the power button on my computer and turned it off. thank god for autorecovery bc i had just made major changes to a budget/sponsorship proposal letter. Maybe I have been drinking
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