
Re: Anyone else waiting for their Newcastle tickets?
Posts: 4
johnson293 Posted Tue 30 Sep, 2008 12:59 PM Quote
Just checked my status again, and it now says that the tickets are to be collected (with booking ref and card no), and the ticket allocation numbers are also on the order.

Looking forward to the concert, as its the first I've been to at the Uni. Have seen Travis about 5 or 6 times in all, incl Newcastle Arena (as Oasis support and on their own tour), at the City Hall, and at the Academy last year. Also went up to see them at the Barrowlands, just before 'The Invisible Band' came out.

Kind of prefer their gigs at the smaller venues, so hopefully Thursday will be a good 'un!

Re: Anyone else waiting for their Newcastle tickets?
Posts: 22
toonarmy Posted Tue 30 Sep, 2008 3:22 PM Quote
They played the Uni on The Man Who tour and it was fuckin beserk! theyre families were all there as well, its gonna be a top night
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