
Re: where is everyone?
Posts: 2003
AbsGinger Posted Wed 03 Sep, 2008 5:53 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
Never had sweetcorn Abs?! What veggies are your preferred over there? :)

Potatoes..that kind of stuff.

Where did you go yesterday ? you sent an "I'm all alone" mail and then disappeared !
Re: where is everyone?
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Wed 03 Sep, 2008 6:49 PM Quote
I did? I don't remember an "all alone" maily yday. am I going crazy? I was in work all day then at home with a FULL house. Got inlaws staying and plenty of visitors....the joy!

How are you any ho?
Re: where is everyone?
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Wed 03 Sep, 2008 6:51 PM Quote
AbsGinger wrote:
now where's Peewee ?

aha this is what you mean? i had to WORK! ugh. then left early :) the pleasures of flexitime!
Re: where is everyone?
Posts: 2003
AbsGinger Posted Wed 03 Sep, 2008 6:53 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
I did? I don't remember an "all alone" maily yday. am I going crazy? I was in work all day then at home with a FULL house. Got inlaws staying and plenty of visitors....the joy!

How are you any ho?

I'm doing fine - 8 more minutes and i'm off.
You're in laws are still around ?
Having ppl around can be a pain, don't you reckon ?
Re: where is everyone?
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Wed 03 Sep, 2008 6:56 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:

Fred--you've never eaten corn? I can't even imagine! Then you must wait until you can have fresh corn on the cob, someday somewhere. Canned stuff is terrible. My grandparents used to raise corn in their big garden in Kentucky. It was soooo sweet and yummy! Freshness is key with corn, otherwise it gets waxy and tasteless and might as well be fed to animals.

Corn on the cob that has been grilled with seasonings on the grill is the yummiest! I do recommend!
Re: where is everyone?
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Wed 03 Sep, 2008 7:01 PM Quote
AbsGinger wrote:
Peewee wrote:
I did? I don't remember an "all alone" maily yday. am I going crazy? I was in work all day then at home with a FULL house. Got inlaws staying and plenty of visitors....the joy!

How are you any ho?

I'm doing fine - 8 more minutes and i'm off.
You're in laws are still around ?
Having ppl around can be a pain, don't you reckon ?

Absolutely! I love my own space and do get a bit tetchy when I have too many visitors, so much so that some even say oh I won't be long we know you don't like visitors (lol). I'm not that bad I just don't like ppl dropping in on me unanounced, im usually in the middle of something.

Oh 8 mins....the final countdown! That's a late one for you missy, no?
Re: where is everyone?
Posts: 2003
AbsGinger Posted Wed 03 Sep, 2008 8:26 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
Absolutely! I love my own space and do get a bit tetchy when I have too many visitors, so much so that some even say oh I won't be long we know you don't like visitors (lol). I'm not that bad I just don't like ppl dropping in on me unanounced, im usually in the middle of something.

Oh 8 mins....the final countdown! That's a late one for you missy, no?

Back home after going to the supermarket and buy stuff to lose weight as i'm 7 kilos heavier than normal and it's driving me crazy.
My schedule at wor is often 11.30 am - 8 pm ; it sucks doesn't it ?
Good luck with yr visitors - i hope you get on well with yr mother in law. LOL
Re: where is everyone?
Posts: 231
sebnemy Posted Thu 04 Sep, 2008 12:32 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:

Thanks for the info. The individual pieces of corn are called kernels. The ear is the whole thing, cob and all. That sounds like what we called "field corn," which is basically just corn to feed animals.

You must be right, probably it is field corn...And thanks for the corn terminology:) the ear-cob-kernel
Re: where is everyone?
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 04 Sep, 2008 11:15 PM Quote
AbsGinger wrote:
Peewee wrote:
Absolutely! I love my own space and do get a bit tetchy when I have too many visitors, so much so that some even say oh I won't be long we know you don't like visitors (lol). I'm not that bad I just don't like ppl dropping in on me unanounced, im usually in the middle of something.

Oh 8 mins....the final countdown! That's a late one for you missy, no?

Back home after going to the supermarket and buy stuff to lose weight as i'm 7 kilos heavier than normal and it's driving me crazy.
My schedule at wor is often 11.30 am - 8 pm ; it sucks doesn't it ?
Good luck with yr visitors - i hope you get on well with yr mother in law. LOL

LOL I get on REALLY well with my mother-in-law! lol We are very alike in many ways. Laid-back etc. It's the crazy italian men that are the ones to watch! Loonies! lol They get very argumentative and passionate, voices get raised...ohhhhh it's all fun :0)

Ohhhh your hours do suck! I'm 9.30 till 5.30 except for two days where I have to do 12.30ish till 8. Hey it all helps to pay the visa cards ;)
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