
Re: Too Old......
Posts: 1241
kim2007w Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 5:38 PM Quote
emmahealy wrote:
kim2007w wrote:
harry potter wrote:
DjelibayB wrote:

The thought of starting a new vocation and going to college is exciting but at the same time fills me with dread. Am I too old?

you need to stay at home and make sure your man's dinner is hot and ready for him when he gets in of an evening. also you need to make sure everything is shipshape around the house for him too, given that this kind of work needs to be done every day you'd be better off doing what nature intended and do what's best for the hubby.

hey, it's not me it's basic evolution s'all.

why dont you take a flying fuck

err.. Kim.. he's only messing..

i know, i take pleasure in winding him up
Re: Too Old......
Posts: 527
emmahealy Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 5:41 PM Quote
Re: Too Old......
Posts: 1241
kim2007w Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 5:42 PM Quote
emmahealy wrote:

see being a bloke he has now gone off in a strop
Re: Too Old......
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 5:44 PM Quote
I went back to college at 33 to get a MS in Marketing.
Totally loved doing it and it really did boost my self-confidence.
Go ahead if you feel it's gonna make you happy.
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