
Re: Tribute Bands
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:20 AM Quote
MoraySwan wrote:
I always find this one a hard one to answer. Personally I don't see the point in going to see bands like the complete stone roses or the bootleg beatles. It just doesn't do anything for me.

But then I remember I enjoy classical music, and at the end of the day aren't orchestra's and concert bands essentially cover bands putting their own interpretation on mozart and beethoven. Thats the part I struggle to answer!

I'll tell you what gigs I really don't see the point in - stadium shows. Especially ones for over the hill rockers like the Stones, Eagles, The Who, the Police and so on. I mean you pay what £70 for a ticket to watch old men on stage at an atmosphereless show, where you're about half a mile from the stage. You can't see the whites of the bands eyes and you can't emotionally connect with them in any level. So you're left with the bang for your bucks factor, i.e. the stage show. Which will invariably be shit as these guys are all too old to do fuck all. Buy it on dvd. At best.

I would agree with most of that... but I have heard nothing but brilliant reports from The Who's appearance at last years Oxygen festival, seemingly they blew everyone off the stage.

I also think a lot of that stadium rock stuff is just "ticking them off the list", especially The Stones, a certain amount of snobbery in saying "Yeah I've seen The Stones"...,maybe??
Re: Tribute Bands
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:22 AM Quote
So are you saying that tribute bands for bands that don't exist anymore aren't relevant, yet ones for bands that do exist but do stadium shows are relevant?

Fuzzy logic
Re: Tribute Bands
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:24 AM Quote
granted there will be exceptions to the rule...... Queen at Wembley in the 80's for example. They were born to play that staidum.

I'm not sure on the who. Minus Keith Moon and John Entwhistle, you're left... well... not much!

The Police are apparently so poor on their current show, that even band themselves are apparently bored!
Re: Tribute Bands
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:27 AM Quote
paul_c wrote:
So are you saying that tribute bands for bands that don't exist anymore aren't relevant, yet ones for bands that do exist but do stadium shows are relevant?

Fuzzy logic

no..... I was saying tribute bands don't do anything for me and as an aside or tangent if you will; stadium bands also don't do anything for me.

Not sure what part of that wasn't clear.
Re: Tribute Bands
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:27 AM Quote
Ah. Yeah. I said this the other day about the stones and dylan. GIVE UP!!!
Re: Tribute Bands
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:31 AM Quote
MoraySwan wrote:
granted there will be exceptions to the rule...... Queen at Wembley in the 80's for example. They were born to play that staidum.

I'm not sure on the who. Minus Keith Moon and John Entwhistle, you're left... well... not much!

The Police are apparently so poor on their current show, that even band themselves are apparently bored!

I actually thought there was a massive rift in the Police, Summers wouldn't even acknoledge Sting, although it won't be the first time, seemingly when (I think it was) the Eagles played Dublin a while back the only time two of the band members were near each other was when they were on stage, they even stayed in seperate hotels either side of the Liffey
Re: Tribute Bands
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:34 AM Quote
Pathetic. Surely it should be about the enjoyment, when clearly they're all in it for the money now. I think if i got to the stage where i'm playing gigs, and it turns out i'm not enjoying them but i'm getting good money for them, i'd just give up!

Music has always been about enjoyment for me. I want to play for people because that's what i want to do. Money shouldn't be an issue. Greedy bastards!
Re: Tribute Bands
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:37 AM Quote
paul_c wrote:
Ah. Yeah. I said this the other day about the stones and dylan. GIVE UP!!!

Hmmm Stones yeah defineately, but I think Dylan is still making new "decent" music, obviously nowhere near his best stuff, but still relevant and stil making his point. But again yeah feck the Stones.

on a side note I boought a compilation album years ago with a Stone Roses track on it, they were just breaking through at the time. the sleeve notes had comments from magazines and interviews cause no one had heard of half the bands on the CD. The comment about The Stone Ross was..."Let's just call them the Stones no-one will get confused, yes they are that good"
Re: Tribute Bands
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:38 AM Quote
Bullshit. They weren't even that good in their day!
Re: Tribute Bands
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:40 AM Quote
paul_c wrote:
Pathetic. Surely it should be about the enjoyment, when clearly they're all in it for the money now. I think if i got to the stage where i'm playing gigs, and it turns out i'm not enjoying them but i'm getting good money for them, i'd just give up!

Music has always been about enjoyment for me. I want to play for people because that's what i want to do. Money shouldn't be an issue. Greedy bastards!

McCartney is my case in point here, last time he played Dublin cheapest ticket was €105, w@nker

mind you at least the Sex Pistols were blatantly bvious about i, when they reformed John Lydon insisted it was called the "Filthy Lucre" Tour

Filthy Lucre - Dirty Money... for our overseas boardies
Re: Tribute Bands
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:44 AM Quote
Sure even look at U2. Weren't tickets for their Croke Park shows more expensive than anywhere else they played? When surely it should be about them enjoying coming home.

I'm kinda glad i'm a Travis fan. You just feel they're genuine. And from the evidence of the 3 gigs i've been to this year, they are totally still in it for the enjoyment. Even if Dougie's shoes are increasingly more "elaborate" ;)
Re: Tribute Bands
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 1:57 AM Quote
paul_c wrote:
Bullshit. They weren't even that good in their day!

haha I disagree, I was there, 1989 the charts were full of stuff like Kylie, Jason, Bangles and London Boys

These guys and the whole Madchester thing was hugely important, if it hadn't been for them there would be no Brit-pop, no oasis, no blur... No Travis
Re: Tribute Bands
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 2:15 AM Quote
Im talkin bout the rolling stones. Not ian browns lot! Dont mind them at all
Re: Tribute Bands
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 2:20 AM Quote
paul_c wrote:
Im talkin bout the rolling stones. Not ian browns lot! Dont mind them at all

that's the 2nd time I've done that tonite maybe a bit of sleep is in order.

catch ya later, btw there's stuff up on multiply for ya
Re: Tribute Bands
Posts: 1681
champagnesupernova Posted Sun 03 Jun, 2007 3:11 AM Quote
MusicGirl99 wrote:
Yeh. Some of them do have creative names tho. Whoever does this for a living has to keep up with what the actual artist is doing at all times. That must be exhausting.

Rather boring than exhausting, I think. It must lead the members toý an identification conflict after a point. I can go even that far.

By the way, I second that about Stadium bands. There is nothing "live" you can share with the band. Just a bunch of icons reflecting light into the dark. Too much hot shot, really.
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