
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Wed 08 Aug, 2007 10:46 PM Quote
Well said, i concur
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Wed 08 Aug, 2007 10:49 PM Quote
happy_me wrote:
kim2007w wrote:

lets hope this evening dosen't end up crap with a bad atmosphere,

Actually, I quite like it here, but when certain individuals deem themselves better than the rest of the people here, it annoys me. Dave has a tendency to think higher of himself than what he actually is. He is in no way more intelligent than anyone on this board, he is no more intelligent than you and I. He constantly makes threads just to start arguments and contibutes to an all over bad atmosphere. If he doesn't find the conversations going on here he can go elsewhere, this is after all the Travis messageboard, not the Dave messageboard. If he wants to make an interresting and fullfilling conversation I suggest he starts a thread with the topic he wants to discuss.

Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Wed 08 Aug, 2007 11:07 PM Quote
Now Esteban, are you sure you used that word correctly??? haha :P

Did i just use correctly correctly? :os

Oh dear god noooooo!! ;)
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Wed 08 Aug, 2007 11:10 PM Quote
If that word meant that I think Dave should be bounced out of this board post haste, then yes, it's use was appropriate ;-)
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Wed 08 Aug, 2007 11:14 PM Quote
Really? You think that? Well, it's a harsh notion i guess- but to quote a now famous (she's got her own MB and boardies now!) ex-boardie...

"who said life was easy? who said life was fair?" ;)

Oh, and "Thirded"- and i really don't care if i'm using it wrong! :D

Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Wed 08 Aug, 2007 11:19 PM Quote
paul_c wrote:
Really? You think that? Well, it's a harsh notion i guess- but to quote a now famous (she's got her own MB and boardies now!) ex-boardie...

"who said life was easy? who said life was fair?" ;)

Oh, and "Thirded"- and i really don't care if i'm using it wrong! :D

Well yeah, the bloke rubs me up the wrong way.
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 427
feri Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 5:52 AM Quote
DavesUrMan wrote:
feri wrote:
how come I can never see your posts (to beatle babe)=/

Cos she never logs out of travis, so I go in and leave a post or something, and its in her name, then she gets annoyed, so I have to delete hers, and put my own back in - its like picadilly circus :D


I seeeeee, now it all makes sense!

paul_c wrote:
And retard isn't a very nice word to use at all. It's derogatory of people with special needs, and since i work with people with special needs, i find that offensive- and i bet i'm not the only one..

Less of it Dave

Reminds me of when people use the word gay to call someone stupid. I can't stand that!

Oh, and to reply to the thread I use a lot of words incorrectly (spelling wise when texting. I HATE talking gangsta but I want my texts to fit the max limit.

and the most embarrassing one of all,
And= n
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 9:35 AM Quote
I'm sorry I've taken so long to reply to all that - I've been doubled over laughing - in fact I need to take a break because my hands are numb, as is the rest of my body with total laughter...



OK Paul - who the fuck do you think you are? You just went on in your 'pet peeves' post about 'the guy you really hate' and blah blah blah

ok back to laughing

haha that girl thinks shes intelligent...I am amused...

I DO start posts that interest me - you know, cosmology, string theory, quantum mechanics, etc etc - and I'll continue to do so, and I'll continue to have people like michele, champy, beatle babe, kiwi, femme, and various others join in the conversation with me.

I don't like yoe guys boring posts, and you don't like my interesting ones - lets just leave it at that :D
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 1381
happy_me Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 1:57 PM Quote
DavesUrMan wrote:

haha that girl thinks shes intelligent...I am amused...

you referring to me?

OMG people he busted me!!!!! Of course I'm not intelligent, I'm as stupid as a tree root, actually I'm not that intelligent even. Rocks are more intelligent than me.

Mate, I bet if I insulted your intelligence you'd be just as ticked off as I am now.

If nobody wants to reply to your posts it is because we don't find it interresting. But PLEASE behave like you have a brain when you're trying to criticise someone! And who are you to tell me that I'm not intelligent, please elaborate!

Looking forward to your analysis of my intelligence :)
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 2:26 PM Quote
happy_me wrote:
DavesUrMan wrote:

haha that girl thinks shes intelligent...I am amused...

you referring to me?

OMG people he busted me!!!!! Of course I'm not intelligent, I'm as stupid as a tree root, actually I'm not that intelligent even. Rocks are more intelligent than me.

Mate, I bet if I insulted your intelligence you'd be just as ticked off as I am now.

If nobody wants to reply to your posts it is because we don't find it interresting. But PLEASE behave like you have a brain when you're trying to criticise someone! And who are you to tell me that I'm not intelligent, please elaborate!

Looking forward to your analysis of my intelligence :)

I might ask who you are to think I'm "not as great as I think I am" or "not any more intelligent than anyone else here" etc etc etc - you claim to know my brain and intellect, yet are irritated when I comment on yours...
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 1381
happy_me Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 2:33 PM Quote
OK Dave, I'm sure you're an intelligent fellow, but so are many others around here. I choose not to post topics on biotechnology, cloning, medical research, physiology, molecular biology or any of the things that I do on a daily basis.

I'm sorry that I've insulted you.
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 3:32 PM Quote
happy_me wrote:
OK Dave, I'm sure you're an intelligent fellow, but so are many others around here. I choose not to post topics on biotechnology, cloning, medical research, physiology, molecular biology or any of the things that I do on a daily basis.

I'm sorry that I've insulted you.

You haven't insulted me.

This is what I've been saying all along - you guys don't find my posts and interesting, and vice versa - I love talking about science and maths and all sorts of stuff like that because it excites me, whereas talking about the latest CD or best gig or what your favourite thread is or whatever really, REALLY does not. Its nothing personal - I was making a point exactly the same as paul was making - He made it very clear in 'pet peeves' that I annoy him and so do my posts, and I've done the same in a (relatively immature) fashion on here.
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 1381
happy_me Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 4:21 PM Quote
DavesUrMan wrote:

You haven't insulted me.

No, but you've insulted me. You might not see it in that way, but you did insult me.
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 4:33 PM Quote
I hate it when peoplein conversation say "rosie and me went to.." it is supposed to be "rosie and I went to..." I only say this as my mother and teacher used to pull me up on this all the time, something to do with my bad grammer, lol.
Re: Most Recent Word you found you were using Incorrectly
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 4:38 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
I hate it when peoplein conversation say "rosie and me went to.." it is supposed to be "rosie and I went to..." I only say this as my mother and teacher used to pull me up on this all the time, something to do with my bad grammer, lol.

but wouldn't saying , " Rosie and I " , kinda make it dramatic ?
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