
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 12:49 PM Quote
Edel wrote:
ahh nice, hope they spoilt you rotten and that it was a good festival? Or maybe it wasnt last weekend:0/

Girl, Im still looking for journals. Need at least another 1000 pgs for references. Still havent started writing it so erm 100 pages to be handed in...middle of August? Im very optimistic aint I haha, But gonna work as hard as possible. So working holiday in Ireland yayy but I need to get this in and move on with my life

Ah it was a great festival, the weather behaved! Even got a sunburn.

You're certainly motivated, and that's good. But yes, you certainly need to do some work starting right about now...
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 12:52 PM Quote
Sanne (nl) wrote:
yes, it definitaly was a shame:) not to shabby mr. Lindberg, lol
As for Roddy Doyle, no suspense, but nevertheless a great read. (IMHO)
Beautiful and funny tales of people.

Oh, I knew I'd heard the name before; he made The Commitments. Brilliant story. I've heard of the other books as well.

I'm gonna have a look at his stuff once I've finished Pillars - and some of the other unread books on my shelf!
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 12:59 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
deebee wrote:
Another one here whose skin doesn't like the sun (blond hair/pale skin) I'm always shade hopping in the summer and can't cope if it goes above 30°C. I'm on hols for the whole summer now (yippeeeee) so I suppose I have plenty of time - mustn't complain! I take it then you're at work still, Hanne?

glad to know that I'm not the only one suffering hehe. I guess there's a reason why I was born up north.

I had two days off this week and then I've got two weeks off in August where I'm going to Turkey for one week. It's really hot down there at the moment so I'm dreading it a bit. But I'm going there to see a friend who works as a tourist guide at the moment, so it will be good to see her again.

Have you got any plans for your holiday?

No major plans this summer - just a bit of camping with our 2 little boys. We've got a lot of guests coming from the UK though - gives me a chance to order loads of nice tea, then they bring it over with them, hehe. Turkey sounds cool although too hot for me. I too am a real girl from the North and cooking on a baking beach is NOT my idea of fun.
Like Sanne, I don't get much time for books but I like to read during the hols (very much escapism stuff though - not very educational, LOL) Good ole chick lit!!
Re: Well hello there
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 1:06 PM Quote
deebee wrote:
Hanne wrote:
deebee wrote:
Another one here whose skin doesn't like the sun (blond hair/pale skin) I'm always shade hopping in the summer and can't cope if it goes above 30°C. I'm on hols for the whole summer now (yippeeeee) so I suppose I have plenty of time - mustn't complain! I take it then you're at work still, Hanne?

glad to know that I'm not the only one suffering hehe. I guess there's a reason why I was born up north.

I had two days off this week and then I've got two weeks off in August where I'm going to Turkey for one week. It's really hot down there at the moment so I'm dreading it a bit. But I'm going there to see a friend who works as a tourist guide at the moment, so it will be good to see her again.

Have you got any plans for your holiday?

No major plans this summer - just a bit of camping with our 2 little boys. We've got a lot of guests coming from the UK though - gives me a chance to order loads of nice tea, then they bring it over with them, hehe. Turkey sounds cool although too hot for me. I too am a real girl from the North and cooking on a baking beach is NOT my idea of fun.
Like Sanne, I don't get much time for books but I like to read during the hols (very much escapism stuff though - not very educational, LOL) Good ole chick lit!!

Kids seem to keep us quite busy, lol
and on that note, i close my laptop and actually might do some work,

or not;)
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 1:08 PM Quote
deebee wrote:

No major plans this summer - just a bit of camping with our 2 little boys. We've got a lot of guests coming from the UK though - gives me a chance to order loads of nice tea, then they bring it over with them, hehe. Turkey sounds cool although too hot for me. I too am a real girl from the North and cooking on a baking beach is NOT my idea of fun.
Like Sanne, I don't get much time for books but I like to read during the hols (very much escapism stuff though - not very educational, LOL) Good ole chick lit!!

A bit of camping plus visits from home sounds great to me :o) I'm not really into the baking thing either, since I tend to get red as a lobster. I intend to stay in the shadows except for a dip or two at the beach... Gotta find myself some new beachwear. It seems that swimsuits aren't in fashion this year and my belly is a bit too wobbly for a bikini. My friend says I shouldn't care cos I'd be surprised at what people show off in the holiday places. Easy for her to say, she hasn't got any spare skin in the wrong places lol

And I do have some chick lit at home as well. When I moved to Glasgow I didn't have a tv for the first 3-4 months. Hence I spent a lot of time reading easily digestible chick lit. I couldn't grasp the heavier litterature after a long day at work but this stuff didn't need any brain cells :oP
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 1:10 PM Quote
Sanne (nl) wrote:
Kids seem to keep us quite busy, lol
and on that note, i close my laptop and actually might do some work,

or not;)


I want kids too! I need to find a father first though *double sigh*

Re: Well hello there
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 1:15 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
Sanne (nl) wrote:
Kids seem to keep us quite busy, lol
and on that note, i close my laptop and actually might do some work,

or not;)


I want kids too! I need to find a father first though *double sigh*

All in good time - it's better to wait to find the right one than to jump th gun and end up with a disaster (I'm not talking from experience luckily!)
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 1:17 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
deebee wrote:

No major plans this summer - just a bit of camping with our 2 little boys. We've got a lot of guests coming from the UK though - gives me a chance to order loads of nice tea, then they bring it over with them, hehe. Turkey sounds cool although too hot for me. I too am a real girl from the North and cooking on a baking beach is NOT my idea of fun.
Like Sanne, I don't get much time for books but I like to read during the hols (very much escapism stuff though - not very educational, LOL) Good ole chick lit!!

A bit of camping plus visits from home sounds great to me :o) I'm not really into the baking thing either, since I tend to get red as a lobster. I intend to stay in the shadows except for a dip or two at the beach... Gotta find myself some new beachwear. It seems that swimsuits aren't in fashion this year and my belly is a bit too wobbly for a bikini. My friend says I shouldn't care cos I'd be surprised at what people show off in the holiday places. Easy for her to say, she hasn't got any spare skin in the wrong places lol

And I do have some chick lit at home as well. When I moved to Glasgow I didn't have a tv for the first 3-4 months. Hence I spent a lot of time reading easily digestible chick lit. I couldn't grasp the heavier litterature after a long day at work but this stuff didn't need any brain cells :oP

Haha, know exactly what you mean about skin in the wrong places, LOL. French women seem to be on average 3 sizes smaller than the averag English woman so I don't particularly enjoy summer when you have to bare all on the beach, arghhhhh! ......and NO I don't wear a bikini either!
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 1:32 PM Quote
deebee wrote:

Haha, know exactly what you mean about skin in the wrong places, LOL. French women seem to be on average 3 sizes smaller than the averag English woman so I don't particularly enjoy summer when you have to bare all on the beach, arghhhhh! ......and NO I don't wear a bikini either!

It's the food. They eat less than we do *sigh*. Mind, when I lived in France I was able to find clothes even though I was about 4 sizes bigger than now. My usual problem is that I'm too tall... a lot of tops, dresses etc. have something to mark the waist or torso, and these 'marks' are always too high up. Like when I was trying to find a new jacket, but the belts were an inch or two above my waist. Not very nice.

Then again, I suppose we women will never be satisfied when it comes to clothes!!

About the other post; i know that it will happen eventually etc. etc. etc. I just get tired of hearing it, if you know what I mean. You're right about jumping into things, and it's not like I take the next-best thing. But I'm just tired of waiting since my biological clock is ticking louder and louder... Sorry about the ramble, just needed to let off a bit of steam :o)
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 1:40 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
deebee wrote:

Haha, know exactly what you mean about skin in the wrong places, LOL. French women seem to be on average 3 sizes smaller than the averag English woman so I don't particularly enjoy summer when you have to bare all on the beach, arghhhhh! ......and NO I don't wear a bikini either!

It's the food. They eat less than we do *sigh*. Mind, when I lived in France I was able to find clothes even though I was about 4 sizes bigger than now. My usual problem is that I'm too tall... a lot of tops, dresses etc. have something to mark the waist or torso, and these 'marks' are always too high up. Like when I was trying to find a new jacket, but the belts were an inch or two above my waist. Not very nice.

Then again, I suppose we women will never be satisfied when it comes to clothes!!

About the other post; i know that it will happen eventually etc. etc. etc. I just get tired of hearing it, if you know what I mean. You're right about jumping into things, and it's not like I take the next-best thing. But I'm just tired of waiting since my biological clock is ticking louder and louder... Sorry about the ramble, just needed to let off a bit of steam :o)

Steam away to your hearts content. As for the tick-tock, if it's any consolation I was 34 when I had my son (just checked your profile so I know you've got a way to go yet!) Women are doing the mum thing later and later nowadays so you've got heaps of time :-)
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 1:46 PM Quote
deebee wrote:

Steam away to your hearts content. As for the tick-tock, if it's any consolation I was 34 when I had my son (just checked your profile so I know you've got a way to go yet!) Women are doing the mum thing later and later nowadays so you've got heaps of time :-)

Yeah yeah... I guess what bothers me is that my best friend is the same age as me, and she's got the most wonderful son. And I know that it'll come when I least expect it and all that...

I just have to do some positive thinking, I suppose...
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 1:59 PM Quote
Sending lots of positive vibes your way......and a hug aswell.
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 2:02 PM Quote
deebee wrote:
Sending lots of positive vibes your way......and a hug aswell.

Thanks *hugs*

And sorry for being so negative, I swear I'm not usually such a pessimist!

And now let's all rejoice in the nice weather! :o)
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 2:13 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
deebee wrote:
Sending lots of positive vibes your way......and a hug aswell.

Thanks *hugs*

And sorry for being so negative, I swear I'm not usually such a pessimist!

And now let's all rejoice in the nice weather! :o)

That's the spirit *big grin*
Re: Well hello there
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 7:34 PM Quote
Yo !
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